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mount: position feedback based on HBSTEP counter, clean code, better …
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…HBSTEP setting, modify RUN function of HBSTEP, right tracking speed, software for mount calibration (1 revolution steps counter), new AWS weatheunderground methods (real time upload)
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roman-dvorak committed Jan 30, 2017
1 parent c8116e3 commit 53e0148
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Showing 6 changed files with 450 additions and 35 deletions.
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import math
import time
import rospy
import std_msgs
import json
import os
from std_msgs.msg import String
from std_msgs.msg import Float32
from arom.srv import *
from arom.msg import *
import numpy as np
import pylirc
from drivers.__init__ import AromNode

import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
except ImportError:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

recieved = []

def manager_callback(recive):
global recieved
#print recive, recieved

class arom_manager(AromNode):
node_name = "arom_manager"
node_type = "arom_manager"
node_pymlab = True

def __init__(self, rows = 2, cols = 2, file = None):
print os.path.abspath(__file__)

rospy.Subscriber("/arom/manager", std_msgs.msg.String, manager_callback)

self.set_feature('arom_nodes',{'publish': '/arom/manager'})

## Konec zakladni inicializace

rate = rospy.Rate(10)
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
if len(recieved) > 0:
print recieved
except Exception, e:
print e

if __name__ == '__main__':
m = arom_manager()
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/drivers/
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Expand Up @@ -25,4 +25,5 @@ def pymlab(self, *args, **kwds):

def set_feature(self, name, value):
rospy.set_param('/arom/node'+ str(rospy.get_name()) + '/feature/'+name, value)
rospy.set_param('/arom/node%s/feature/%s' %(str(rospy.get_name()),name), value)
rospy.loginfo("New feature '%s' for %s" %(rospy.get_name(), name))
208 changes: 183 additions & 25 deletions src/drivers/
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Expand Up @@ -5,46 +5,204 @@
import rospy
from arom.srv import *
from arom.msg import *
from std_msgs.msg import String
import httplib2

from __init__ import AromNode

data = {}

def callback(recive):
global data
for i, type in enumerate(recive.type):
data[type] = recive.value[i]
print data
#print data

def update_parameters(recive):
data = eval(
print '/arom/node%s/feature/aws_uploader_api_params/data/%s/%s/' %(rospy.get_name(), data['id'], 'value')
rospy.set_param('/arom/node%s/feature/aws_uploader_api_params/data/%s/%s/' %(rospy.get_name(), data['id'], 'value'), data['source'])

def weatherUploader():
name = 'aws_weatherudnerground'
rospy.init_node(name, anonymous=True)
rospy.Subscriber("/aws_out", msg_WeatherStation, callback)
class weatherUploader(AromNode):
node_name = "aws_weatherudnerground"
node_type = "aws_uploader"
node_pymlab = False

ID = rospy.get_param('/arom/aws/%s/ID'%(name))
PASSWORD = rospy.get_param('/arom/aws/%s/PASSWORD'%(name))
def __init__(self):
rospy.Subscriber("/aws_out", msg_WeatherStation, callback)
rospy.Subscriber("/%s/update_parameters"%(self.node_name), String, update_parameters)
ID = rospy.get_param('/arom/aws/%s/ID'%(self.node_name))
PASSWORD = rospy.get_param('/arom/aws/%s/PASSWORD'%(self.node_name))


rate = rospy.Rate(0.2) # 10hz
while data == {} and not rospy.is_shutdown():
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
print "Ahoj :)"
req = ""
types = rospy.get_param('/arom/node/aws_weatherudnerground/feature/aws_uploader_api_params/data/')
for preset in self.aws_preset:
req += "&%s=%s" %(str(self.aws_preset[preset]), preset)

except Exception, e:
rospy.loginfo("#1> " + repr(e))

for sensor in data:
req += "&%s=%f" %(self.aws_data[sensor], self.ConvertValue(float(data[sensor]), self.api_data[self.aws_data[sensor]]['unit']))

except Exception, e:
rospy.loginfo("#2> " + repr(e))

print req

print ""+req

#resp, content = httplib2.Http().request(""+req)
resp, content = httplib2.Http().request(""+req)
except Exception, e:


def ConvertValue(self, value, outUnit, multiply = 1):
if outUnit == 'fahrenheit':
calc = value * 9/5 + 32
print "NO CALC"
calc = value

return calc*multiply

def UpdateFeature(self):
self.aws_data = {}
self.api_data = rospy.get_param('/arom/node%s/feature/aws_uploader_api_params/data' %(str(rospy.get_name())), False)
print self.api_data
if not self.api_data:
self.api_data = {'action':{'type': 'static', 'when': 'always', 'value': 'updateraw'},
'ID': {'type': 'preset', 'when': 'always'},
'PASSWORD':{'type': 'preset', 'when': 'always'},
'softwaretype': {'type': 'static', 'when': 'always', 'value': 'AROM-Autonomou-robotic-observatory-manager'},
'dateutc': {'type': 'static', 'when': 'always', 'value': 'now'},

'winddir': {'type': 'data', 'when': '0;360', 'unit': 'degree', 'multiply': 1},
'windspeedmph': {'type': 'data', 'when': '0;200', 'unit': 'mph', 'multiply': 1},
'windgustmph': {'type': 'data', 'when': '0;200', 'unit': 'mph', 'multiply': 1},
'windgustdir': {'type': 'data', 'when': '0;360', 'unit': 'degree', 'multiply': 1},
'windspdmph_avg2m': {'type': 'data', 'when': '0;200', 'unit': 'mph', 'multiply': 1},
'winddir_avg2m': {'type': 'data', 'when': '0;360', 'unit': 'degree', 'multiply': 1},
'windgustdir_10m': {'type': 'data', 'when': '0;360', 'unit': 'degree', 'multiply': 1},
'humidity': {'type': 'data', 'when': '0;100', 'unit': 'percentage', 'multiply': 1},
'dewptf': {'type': 'data', 'when': '-40;120', 'unit': 'fahrenheit', 'multiply': 1},
'tempf': {'type': 'data', 'when': '-40;120', 'unit': 'fahrenheit', 'multiply': 1},
'rainin': {'type': 'data', 'when': '0;100', 'unit': 'inch', 'multiply': 1},
'dailyrainin': {'type': 'data', 'when': '0;100', 'unit': 'inch', 'multiply': 1},
'baromin': {'type': 'data', 'when': '500;1500', 'unit': 'pressure', 'multiply': 1},
'weather': {'type': 'data', 'unit': 'text', 'multiply': 1},
'clouds': {'type': 'data', 'unit': 'text', 'multiply': 1},
'soiltempf': {'type': 'data', 'when': '-40;120', 'unit': 'fahrenheit', 'multiply': 1},
'soiltemp2f': {'type': 'data', 'when': '-40;120', 'unit': 'fahrenheit', 'multiply': 1},
'soiltemp3f': {'type': 'data', 'when': '-40;120', 'unit': 'fahrenheit', 'multiply': 1},
'soiltemp4f': {'type': 'data', 'when': '-40;120', 'unit': 'fahrenheit', 'multiply': 1},
'soiltemp5f': {'type': 'data', 'when': '-40;120', 'unit': 'fahrenheit', 'multiply': 1},
'soilmoisture': {'type': 'data', 'when': '-40;120', 'unit': 'fahrenheit', 'multiply': 1},
'soilmoisture2': {'type': 'data', 'when': '-40;120', 'unit': 'fahrenheit', 'multiply': 1},
'soilmoisture3': {'type': 'data', 'when': '-40;120', 'unit': 'fahrenheit', 'multiply': 1},
'soilmoisture4': {'type': 'data', 'when': '-40;120', 'unit': 'fahrenheit', 'multiply': 1},
'soilmoisture5': {'type': 'data', 'when': '-40;120', 'unit': 'fahrenheit', 'multiply': 1},
'leafwetness': {'type': 'data', 'when': '0;100', 'unit': 'percentage', 'multiply': 1},
'leafwetness2': {'type': 'data', 'when': '0;100', 'unit': 'percentage', 'multiply': 1},
'solarradiation': {'type': 'data', 'when': '0;1000', 'unit': 'wpm', 'multiply': 1},
'UV': {'type': 'data', 'when': '0;10', 'unit': 'index', 'multiply': 1},
'visibility': {'type': 'data', 'when': 'always', 'unit': 'miles', 'multiply': 1},
'indoorhumidity': {'type': 'data', 'when': '0;100', 'unit': 'percentage', 'multiply': 1},
'indoortempf': {'type': 'data', 'when': '-40;120', 'unit': 'fahrenheit', 'multiply': 1},
self.set_feature('aws_uploader_api_params',{'data': self.api_data})

for value in self.api_data:
if self.api_data[value]['type'] == 'data' and 'value' in self.api_data[value]:
self.aws_data[self.api_data[value]['value']] = value
elif (self.api_data[value]['type'] == 'preset' or self.api_data[value]['type'] == 'static') and 'value' in self.api_data[value]:
self.aws_preset[self.api_data[value]['value']] = value

#print "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^66"
#print self.aws_data
#print "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^66"
#print self.aws_preset

rate = rospy.Rate(0.01) # 10hz
while data == {} and not rospy.is_shutdown():
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
req = "?ID=%s&PASSWORD=%s&dateutc=now&softwaretype=AROM-AWS" %(ID , PASSWORD)
req += "&tempf=%f" %(data['temperatureAWS0']*9/5+32)
req += "&dewptf=%f" %(data['dewpointAWS']*9/5+32)
req += "&humidity=%f" %(data['humidityAWS0'])
req += "&winddir=%f" %(data['winddirAWS'])
req += "&windspeedmph=%f" %(data['windspdAWS'])
req += "&baromin=%f" %(data['pressureAWS']*0.0002952998751)

rospy.loginfo("Uploading data to %s" %repr(req))
resp, content = httplib2.Http().request(""+req)
except Exception, e:


if __name__ == '__main__':

action [action=updateraw] -- always supply this parameter to indicate you are making a weather observation upload
ID [ID as registered by]
PASSWORD [Station Key registered with this PWS ID, case sensitive]
dateutc - [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (mysql format)] In Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) Not local time
winddir - [0-360 instantaneous wind direction]
windspeedmph - [mph instantaneous wind speed]
windgustmph - [mph current wind gust, using software specific time period]
windgustdir - [0-360 using software specific time period]
windspdmph_avg2m - [mph 2 minute average wind speed mph]
winddir_avg2m - [0-360 2 minute average wind direction]
windgustmph_10m - [mph past 10 minutes wind gust mph ]
windgustdir_10m - [0-360 past 10 minutes wind gust direction]
humidity - [% outdoor humidity 0-100%]
dewptf- [F outdoor dewpoint F]
tempf - [F outdoor temperature] (for extra outdoor sensors use temp2f, temp3f, and so on)
rainin - [rain inches over the past hour)] -- the accumulated rainfall in the past 60 min
dailyrainin - [rain inches so far today in local time]
baromin - [barometric pressure inches]
weather - [text] -- metar style (+RA)
clouds - [text] -- SKC, FEW, SCT, BKN, OVC
soiltempf - [F soil temperature] (for sensors 2,3,4 use soiltemp2f, soiltemp3f, and soiltemp4f)
soilmoisture - [%] (for sensors 2,3,4 use soilmoisture2, soilmoisture3, and soilmoisture4)
leafwetness - [%] (for sensor 2 use leafwetness2)
solarradiation - [W/m^2]
UV - [index]
visibility - [nm visibility]
indoortempf - [F indoor temperature F]
indoorhumidity - [% indoor humidity 0-100]
##Pollution Fields:
AqNO - [ NO (nitric oxide) ppb ]
AqNO2T - (nitrogen dioxide), true measure ppb
AqNO2 - NO2 computed, NOx-NO ppb
AqNO2Y - NO2 computed, NOy-NO ppb
AqNOX - NOx (nitrogen oxides) - ppb
AqNOY - NOy (total reactive nitrogen) - ppb
AqNO3 -NO3 ion (nitrate, not adjusted for ammonium ion) UG/M3
AqSO4 -SO4 ion (sulfate, not adjusted for ammonium ion) UG/M3
AqSO2 -(sulfur dioxide), conventional ppb
AqSO2T -trace levels ppb
AqCO -CO (carbon monoxide), conventional ppm
AqCOT -CO trace levels ppb
AqEC -EC (elemental carbon) - PM2.5 UG/M3
AqOC -OC (organic carbon, not adjusted for oxygen and hydrogen) - PM2.5 UG/M3
AqBC -BC (black carbon at 880 nm) UG/M3
AqUV-AETH -UV-AETH (second channel of Aethalometer at 370 nm) UG/M3
AqPM2.5 - PM2.5 mass - UG/M3
AqPM10 - PM10 mass - PM10 mass
AqOZONE - Ozone - ppb
softwaretype - [text] ie: WeatherLink, VWS, WeatherDisplay
32 changes: 24 additions & 8 deletions src/drivers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def __init__(self, parent = None, arg = None, name = "mount", port="", connect =
self.rate = 1

self.mount = drive(profile = 'HEQ5', mode = "eq", connectMethod = 'pymlab',
obs_lat = 48.986976, obs_lon = 14.467532, obs_alt = 300, port = '/dev/ttyUSB0')
obs_lat = 48.986976, obs_lon = 14.467532, obs_alt = 382, port = '/dev/ttyUSB0')
Expand All @@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ def __init__(self, parent = None, arg = None, name = "mount", port="", connect =
#self.set_feature('mount_position',{'publish': '/mount/status/coordinates/RaDec'})
#self.set_feature('mount_offset',{'subscrib': '/mount/controll'})
self.set_feature('mount_slew',{'subscrib': '/mount/controll', 'publish': '/mount/status/coordinates/RaDec'})
self.set_feature('mount_tracking',{'subscrib': '/mount/controll', 'publish': '/mount/status/coordinates/RaDec'})
#self.set_feature('mount_info',{'type': 'HEQ5', 'mount_mode': 'eq', 'obs_lat': 10.2332, 'obs_lon': 10.2332, 'obs_alt': 10.2332})

Expand All @@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ def __init__(self, parent = None, arg = None, name = "mount", port="", connect =
rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate)
ra = 0
dec = 90
rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(2), self.send_position, oneshot=False)
rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1), self.send_position, oneshot=False)
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
if len(btn_data) > 0:
Expand All @@ -111,13 +112,27 @@ def __init__(self, parent = None, arg = None, name = "mount", port="", connect =

elif "radec" in lastBtn:
split = lastBtn.split(" ")
self.mount.Slew(SkyCoord(alt = float(split[1]), az = float(split[2]), obstime =, frame = 'altaz', unit="deg", location = self.mount.getObs()).icrs)
self.mount.Slew(SkyCoord(ra = float(split[1]), dec = float(split[2]), obstime =, unit="deg", location = self.mount.getObs()).icrs)

elif "tle" in lastBtn:
split = lastBtn.split(" ")
self.mount.StartTrackingTLE(name = split[1])
#self.mount.Slew(SkyCoord(alt = float(split[1]), az = float(split[2]), obstime =, frame = 'altaz', unit="deg", location = self.mount.getObs()).icrs)

elif "resetMount" in lastBtn:

elif "spd" in lastBtn:
split = lastBtn.split(" ")
self.mount.setTrackingSpeed(ra = float(split[1]), dec = float(split[2]))

elif "startTracking" in lastBtn:

elif "stopTracking" in lastBtn:

elif lastBtn == 'home' or lastBtn == 'KEY_STOP':

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,11 +193,12 @@ def __init__(self, parent = None, arg = None, name = "mount", port="", connect =

def send_position(self, object):
print "send position :)"
coord = self.mount.getCoordinates()
#return (,
mat = Float32MultiArray(data=[,])
coord = self.mount.getCoordinates()
mat = Float32MultiArray(data=[,])
except Exception, e:
print e

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@

i2c2 = str({
"device": "serial",
"port": '/dev/ttyUSB2',
"port": '/dev/ttyUSB0',
bus2 = str([
Expand Down

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