This repository shows a real-world application where I can use the skills learned in Python.
PyBank shows how to analyze financial records of a company. The financial data set budget_data.cvs was provided. This Pytho script analyzes the records to calculate the following:
- The total number of months included in the dataset
- The net total amount of "Profit/Losses" over the entire period
- The changes in "Profit/Losses" over the entire period, and then the average of those changes
- The greatest increase in profits ( date and amout) over the entire period
- The greatest decrease in profits (date and amount) over the entire period
PyPoll is an example of how I can modernize a small rural towns vote-counting process. The data set election_data.csv was given. The dataset is composed of three columns: "Voter ID","County", and "Candidate". This Python script analyzes the votes and calculates the following:
- The total number votes cast
- A complete list of candidates who received votes
- The percentage of votes each candidate won
- The total number of votes each candidate won
- The winner of the election based on popular vote