This Project is done as a final project for AKBANK & Patika.Dev P218 React Native Bootcamp
- Authentication through Firebase.
- Chat with another user in realtime, by sending text messages.
- Send Location to another user, where they can see a mapview in chat.
- Share stories(similiar to instagram story but only photos.), that can be seen through the Story Tab up to 24 hours.
- Upload profile picture; update e-mail adress and password.
- Light/Dark theme.
Global State Management: Redux - A predictable state container for JavaScript apps. | Redux)
Navigation: React Navigation | React Navigation
Some components: React Native Paper
Database, Storage and Authentication Firebase (
Alternative Flatlist: GitHub - Shopify/flash-list: A better list for React Native
Map View GitHub - react-native-maps/react-native-maps: React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android
Image Selection Through Camera or Gallery: ImagePicker - Expo Documentation
Getting Location: Location - Expo Documentation
For Scrolling Stories: react-native-reanimated-carousel
Project is written on: Expo
Table of Contents
There are 4 slices in redux store:
- Contacts Slice: where all the users from firestore is held.
- Location Slice: Holds User's location when they want to share it.
- Theme Slice: Whether or not the theme is light or dark.
- User Slice: Holds user info, such as: e-mail, password, username, etc.
User is greeted with Sign In screen,
-> they don't have an account: they can navigate to Sign Up screen; -> user e-mail and password is authenticated from firebase: 1) dispatch user to redux, 2) they'll navigate to Contack Stack
Sign Up screen, user enters:
- username
- password and password check and authenticates to firebase authentication. -> no error: create user document in firestore.
After Signing In user gets to Contact Stack. Contack Stack has:
- Bottom Navigation => tab 1: Contact List screen; tab 2: Story screen; tab 3: Settings Stack
- Chat screen.
Note: The reason for Bottom navigation to be inside the Contack Stack is to eliminate the tab to be seen from every screen.
From user collection in firebase every user document gets fetched and data is dispatched to redux state. Through Flashlist contacts are shown on the screen. Also +1 user under the name of "Note to Self" where the user can take notes.
- User can pick an image either with camera or from gallery and upload it to firestore and firebase story document, which is created on this screen.
- Listener (onSnapShot method) updates the stories for the user, everytime there is a change on the document.
- There is a container with random quotes changing everytime you press the container.
- User can see other users' stories and their profile picture and username at the time they posted their stories.
- Stories last on the app for 24 hours but not deleted from firestore documents.
- First screen is Settings*,
- Users can see their profile picture, username,
- Update their e-mails and passwords. Through firebase authentication.
- Change username on firestore and redux. By clicking on their username.
- Go to theme screen to change theme.
* : Tab name for settings is Profile for better user experience.
- User can send text messages and receive them on realtime with the help of firestore.
- First the document between two users is set on firestore with their combined id,
- then their messages are pushed to the database and listener(onSnapShot method) updates the state for flatlist data.
- User can sen their location, by clicking on attachment button on the right of TextInput, get their location and send it.
- a map view renders on the screen focuses on the marker of user's location.
- Dispatch update user needs to be fixed.
- Message status (sent, read) should be adapted.
- Contacts List:
- last message,
- message date,
- Chat screen:
- header contact image,
- message date,
- Story Screen:
- better image container and aspect relationship,
This bootcamp was a great oppurtunity and I feel lucky to be in it. I would like to thank everyone for their exertion; instructor, assistants, students and to people in Patika.Dev & AKBANK who made this bootcamp happen.
Thank you if you have come this far, I'll be glad to hear feedbacks.