More info here :
This project is an Open Source hardware board with spring terminal blocks that exposes all pins of the Arduino Pro board, for development purposes.
I regularly make several of these boards, if you are curious, let me know ([email protected]). I only make them if enough people are interested.
It is approximately : shipping + 50€ / piece.
- Altium
- Sources EasyEAD
- Online EasyEDA :
Made in Europe :
- PCB design : PCBWay, PCB Pool (80€ for 10 pieces)
- 23 x Terminal blocks : TE Connectivity 1-2834011-3 (10€)
- 4 x Female headers : ~2€
- 2 x High density connectors : Hirose DF40C-80DS-0.4V(51) (3.5€)
TOTAL for 1 board : 25€
Made in China :
- PCB design : JLPCB (~$15 for 10 pieces + $10 shipping)
- 23 x Terminal blocks : LCSC Ningbo Kangnex Elec WJ250B-3.5-5P ($3)
- 4 x Female headers : LCSC ($0.1)
- 2 x High density connectors (no equivalent found in China) : Hirose DF40C-80DS-0.4V(51) (3.5€)
TOTAL for 1 board : ~$8
Watch the tutorial on Youtube
Here is a short video detailing the steps to make this card yourself.
Arduino PRO ( is a new Arduino MKR board with dual core processor, USB-C, Display port, Ethernet, Wifi, Bluetooth, ... It can run Arduino Sketches, Javascript, Python or TensorFlow models. It has two 80 pins connectors. All pins are available on this carrier board.
- v1.1 :
- Move hight density connector J1 from X=-20mm to X=-20.2mm
- Delete the 4 external pins for hight density connector
- Enlarge the footprint of high-density connectors (pin width from 25.98mil to 30.98mil)
- Enlarge to 0.28mm track width for GND, 3.3V, VSYS
- Link pin GND 54 of J1 to Shield header GND
See the license file for details.