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CSS Houdini: The magic of CSS and JavaScript

A talk about CSS Houdini: A suite of APIs to give us better control over CSS.

This gets updated with the latest regularly. So feel free to check back.


How do you make a website? Me? I follow second star to the right and straight on til morning. Using everything I have learnt of course. But sometimes more fairy dust is necessary.

Enter a whole suite of API's that will help navigate these skies. I'll talk you through what they are, where you can find them and of course how to use them. This is a time of stranger things, this is CSS Houdini.

Resources/Further Reading


I don't upload my slides due to some problems I've had with copyright infringement (As in people taking my slides 😢).

However, you can find all the slides within the talk in the index file within this build. It's just an HTML file so should be straight forward to navigate - all my slide notes are there as well, within the markup.

I just keep the latest version for this talk, so it might not be precisely what you saw as things develop over time.

Get in touch

I tend to talk about Creative Coding, Audio and new web technologies. I either do this stand-a-lone or as part of the { Live : JS } collective, where we also provide workshops, installations and shows.

You can find me on Twitter or just drop me an email

Versions of this talk have been seen at:


There are recordings of the talk available below:


A talk about CSS Houdini






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