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FLUKA Variance Mesh

The modifications that is needed to build mesh based variance reduction into the FLUKA particle physics Monte-Carlo simulation package (


FLUKA provides the physics engine for simulating nuclear/particle physics interactions with matter. The code is able to simulate geometries up to 100000 cells using the Monte-Carlo method. However, in many cases the region of interest (e.g. behind a thick wall) is under-sampled, relative to other regions within the problem (e.g. in front of the wall). Typically variance reduction methods are applied to such problems to modify the sampling domain.

FLUKA only provides cell based and global particle based variance reduction. However, it does provide a subroutine (USIMBS) that can allow the user to provide functions for variance reduction, which is called at every collision. This package provides a mesh based importance system via this subroutine. The intent is to use a few meshes to cover the volumes which are most important and not the whole model. This is a different philosophy from MCNP(X).


  • The FLUKA code is typically provided with a binary release and this code required that the latest binary version has been installed.

  • The expectation is that the user is familiar with Linux operating system and runing FLUKA with large models. The code does not itself built the variance reduction mesh (it just allows FLUKA to use int) so there will be some writing scripts to generate the USRICALL cards for the input file is expected (or modifing their codes that are used to generate thier FLUKA input files.) Currently, CombLayer supports automatic generation of the USRICALL cards for its FLUKA output mode (and was used to write the example here). However, this code is fully independent of any generation code.


  • The code should be downloaded into a separate directory from the FLUKA directory. The standard FLUKA environment variable FLUPRO needs to have been set. All other FLUKA variable e.g. GFORTRAN etc are not used/respected.

  • The build system is based on a Makefile. The Makefile is likely to need to be edited. Currently there are three variable that need to be changed: First is the variable GCCNUM and the second is the variable EXTLIB and thirdly CPPLIB.

  • GCCNUM is simply the gcc number that the FLUKA build was downloaded for (and is on your computer). EXTLIB points to the static libraries that you will need to compile FLUKA, and CPPLIB points to the libstdc++ static library. If your system is different that additional libraries can be added here.

  • GCCNUM has not been directly tested below 9.2.1 (potential C++17 issues in the code). However, it is reasonably easy to code round this if it is a problem (even it the code gets a bit more verbose). The performance of gcc-8 will be lower than gcc-9 for the C++ part of the code.


  • A static build has been chosen because it is expected that any user of a variance reduction system will be using a cluster. Many clusters are heterogeneous (have multiple different types of processors) and the convenience of compiling once on a local machine, checking if it will work and copying the binary to the cluster and knowing it will work identically, seems to far outweigh the benefit that shared libraries provide. If this is not acceptable, change the libraries accordingly.


  • Hopefully, compiling in simply a matter of running make The output should be flukahp and flukadpm3. The command ldd flukahp should show that it is a static build.


  • Execution of the code is via the normal FLUKA methods, e.g. with the rfluka tool, but setting a direct execution path e.g. rfluka -e ~/MyFlukaVariance/flukahp -N0 -M1 test.inp

Principle of mesh system

This modification provides a set of meshes over a rectilinear grids that are independent of the geometry. Each mesh is a four dimensional object, three dimensions are the standard orthogonal axis and the last dimension is over energy.

Each mesh's 3D grid is (currently) only along the models X/Y/Z of the main model.

The meshes are ordered by index number: at each event, the position, particle type and energy ofthe particle is used to determine the weight. Starting with the lowest index number (typically index 1), the code determine is the point is withint the mesh volume, the energy in within the energy range and the particle is valid for that mesh. If that is true, then the weight is referenced from this mesh, if it is not true the next mesh (typically index 2) is checked and so on. Thus meshes with lower index values have priority over higher mesh indexes.

This can be used to put a fine mesh within a larger course mesh by having the fine mesh at a lower mesh index number. In the event that a particle is outside of all the meshes, then the standard FLUKA cell based variance reduction weight is used.

Adding a Meshed-Base Importance system to a model

  • Variance reduction is most likely done by starting from a valid FLUKA input file that can be run. There are a number of commands that are interpreted by the calls to subroutine USRINI.

  • Before any use of a user bases importance system is possible, all the regions that are being used need to be set with the BIASING (sdum=USER) card. This card can be used to set all cells but this is inefficient in a large model if the mesh is focused on one volume. It can also be used to put a mesh around a complex object and ignore the outer cells (for example on a set of slits and ignore the supports).

The user setup card

  • The mesh is setup using a large number of USRICALL cards. There are five types which are set by the SDUM unit.
    • wwgEng : energy bins values
    • wwgPart : particle number
    • wwgSize : NX NY NZ bin sizes for mesh
    • wwgLow : Lower corner of mesh
    • wwgHigh : Upper corner of mesh
    • wwg : Mesh point values

Each card has 6 what values (W1,W2,W3,W4,W5,W6) in addition to the SDUM value. All five, to be the index value of the mesh that is being constructed, e.g. 1,2,3...

  • wwgEng is followed by a list of energy values [in order] in GeV. There needs to be at least two values to define at least one bin if the card is given. There is no default.

  • wwgPart is followed by a list of FLUKA particle numbers (or -1/-2 for all hadron, or photon/electron type). If not given then all particle are considered valid.

  • wwgLow is the lower left corner of the mesh grid. It is in absolute coordinates. There is no default.

  • wwgHigh is the upper right corner of the mesh grid. It is in absolute coordinates. There is no default.

It is important that the coordinate in wwgLow and wwgHigh are in the positive direction so that wwgLow.x < wwgHigh.x, wwgLow.y < wwgHigh.y, and wwgLow.z < wwgHigh.z.

  • wwgSize provides the number of bins in x,y,z grid. Minimum number is 1. There is no default.

  • wwg is the primary cell based system. It is indexing: energyBin (W2), xBin (W3), yBin (W4), zBin (W5) and the bins are numbered from 1. The value is placed in W6. The value is given as the negative root of the log value. Variance value is NOT importance, it is using the system of weight that is familiar with MCNP(X), PHITS, Adjoint. It is simply the inverse of importance. Acceptable values are all less than 0. Note that rounding errors can occur is the values are difficult to represent in floating point (e.g. values less than -150).

Generating a useful weight mesh

This code does not generate the weight mesh for the user, it only reads and processes the mesh within FLUKA. In principle, the mesh could be written by hand, however that is extremely impractical, unless the mesh is a one/two/three cell mesh. There exist a number of codes to generate meshes e.g. ADVANTG. The weight window meshes, which they generate could be rapidly converted to this format, by writing a small script.

The example here was generated from CombLayer. This program allows the generation of the complete output file including the weight window mesh. CombLayer provides an method of rapidly building rotating, displacing, morphing and inserting components into a fulll model, which facilitates the construction of construct of very large facility wide models. The CombLayer maintains a fully geometric representation (before writing the FLUKA input file) and can use geometric tracking to construct the weight window meshes, using the geometry, material and density of the model.


  • The example given is taken from a highly simplified model of a beam dump at the end of an electron linac. It can be build from CombLayer using the command written in the header of BeamStop_Variance.inp.

  • Model description: The model shows a possible intermediate beam dump design of an electron linac. Figure Layout shows a simple overlay of the geometry in plan view at the beam height.

image info

  • The beam come from the left (y=9800cm) and hits a beamdump (marked in green). There are large concrete walls (marked in gray) and thinner steel wall marked in blue.

  • The calculation is to determine the dose in rooms A and rooms B. The input files are given as BeamStop_Variance.inp and BeamStop_NoVariance.inp. There are identical files except that variance reduction has been added to BeamStop_Variance.inp.

  • Two meshes were added to BeamStop_Variance.inp, the first is a low gradient mesh over the beamdump itself, for intermediate energy particles only. The second is across a section of the wall, which is a higher gradient mesh, and over low and intermediate energies.

  • A result after identical length of total CPU time has been plotted in figures Variance.png and NoVariance.png. [using Mc-Tools maintained by Konstantin Batkov.] It shows both the expected acceleration of the simulation into Room A and Room B, and the reduction in sampling for both back reflected particles and for the transport and this albedo scattered round the maze into Room C.

image info image info

  • The gain in acceleration is about 3 orders of magnitude in this simulation for the direct forward going scattering. It is important that when variance reduction is being used that this modifies the overall sampling phase space. It is only possible to increase the sampling in one area by decreasing it in another area. There is no universally correct variance reduction, only the correct variance reduction for the a specific investigation.


  • The performance of all Monte-Carlo codes is dependent on both direct CPU computation and the ability to search memory for library values. The current code allows the building of arbitary sized meshes. In testing (on some rather old hardware), the addition of large meshes (and/or large usrbin tallies) resulted in a dramatic (x50) slowdown due to cache/memory page faults. This was not shown in the CPU time but the wall clock time of each run. Care should be taken, particularly, running > 1M pixel meshes.


Code was left in the project for construction of multi-order magnet fields (dipole,quad etc) and a system for sampling a source from a file. It is not necessary to use this but it shows the standard method of calling C++ from FLUKA and is convenient for those users who are building full synchrotron and accelerator models. Replace as needed.


This code is released under GPL-3.


  • e-mail: stuart.ansell [аt]

  • List of authors : Stuart Ansell

See Also


Fluka based variance Grid Mesh System







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