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STR-AP (Short Term Rental Application and Prototype Profile)

Welcome to the Short-Term Rental Application and Prototype Profile repository! This project aims to harmonize and streamline the framework for data generation and data sharing on short-term accommodation rental services across the EU.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Data Model
  • Prototype
  • Contact


The Co-Legislator has approved a new regulation to enhance transparency and data collection for short-term accommodation rental services. This regulation aims to promote sustainable tourism and support public authorities in regulating the short-term rental sector. It introduces harmonized registration requirements for hosts and properties, ensuring hosts provide necessary information to obtain a unique registration number, which must be displayed on property websites and online platforms.

The regulation mandates that online platforms submit data to a Single Digital Entry Point (SDEP) in each Member State. This centralized system will streamline data collection and sharing, making it easier for competent authorities to produce reliable statistics and implement informed regulatory measures. The SDEP API will facilitate data transmission and ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), enabling efficient data sharing between online short-term rental platforms and competent authorities.

Additionally, Regulation (EU) 2024/1028, adopted on April 11, 2024, focuses on the challenges posed by the rapid growth of short-term accommodation rental services. It harmonizes transparency requirements across the EU, ensuring public authorities have access to reliable information about hosts, property locations, and rental durations. This harmonization is crucial for assessing the impact of short-term rentals and developing appropriate policy responses.

The legislation can be found here:

We developed this GitHub repository to provide a comprehensive Data Model and Prototype representating this Leglislation. This initiative aims to ensure compliance with EU regulations, promote interoperability, and streamline data sharing across Member States and Platforms.

The repository includes:

  • Data Model: An application profile designed to harmonize and streamline the framework for data generation and data sharing related to short-term accommodation rental services across the EU.
  • Prototype: An implementation to demonstrate the practical application of the legislation.

Data Model

Repository Overview: STR-AP

Link: STR-AP Release 1.0.1

The Data Model folder contains the STR-AP (Short Term Rental Application Profile), which is an application profile designed to harmonize and streamline the framework for data generation and data sharing related to short-term accommodation rental services across the EU. This profile provides a standardized format for exchanging relevant data between different platforms and stakeholders in the short-term rental market.

The STR-AP is part of a broader initiative aimed at improving the consistency and transparency of data across the industry, ensuring that data is easily shareable, understandable, and usable.

This folder includes all relevant resources for implementing and working with the STR-AP, ensuring that users can effectively adopt the profile in their applications and systems.


Repository Overview

Link: STR-AP Protoype Release v0.0.49.

This GitHub repository is structured to manage the development of a prototype and its supporting components. Below is a breakdown of each folder and its purpose:

  1. Code:
    This directory contains the core prototype code. It's where all the functional elements of the project are stored, providing the foundation for the application. Developers working on the prototype will find the implementation code here.

  2. Infra:
    The 'Infra' folder includes information and scripts related to setting up the infrastructure needed for the project. It covers the required environment configurations, installation instructions, and any necessary resources to run the prototype successfully.

  3. Testing:
    In this section, you'll find dummy data and Postman collections used for testing the prototype. This helps simulate real-world scenarios to ensure that the prototype works as expected, offering a way to test API endpoints, workflows, and integrations.

  4. Feedback:
    This directory holds feedback collected during the development phase of the prototype.

  5. Documentation:
    The 'Documentation' folder contains detailed information about the prototype, segmented by member states and platforms.


For any questions or inquiries, please contact [email protected]