Just Sent Any Text As Query It Will Search For All Connected Chat's Files In Its MongoDB And Reply You With The Message Link As A Button
Follow Tharuk Renuja
How To Use Bot?
- -> Add me to any group and make me admin
- -> Add me to your channel as admin with full previlages
Bot Commands (Works Only In Groups) :
/add chat_id
OR - To establish a connection of group with a channel (Bot should be admin with full previlages in both group and channel)
/add @Username
/del chat_id
OR - To delete a group's coneection with a channel (Use disable option from settigns pannel for disconnecting temporarily instead of deleteing)
/del @Username
- To delete all connections of a group and deletes all its file from DB -
- To disaply a Settings Pannel Instance which can be used to tweek bot's settings accordingly-
-> Channel - Button will show you all the connected chats with the group along with there index buttons correspnding to there order for furthur controls...
-> Filter Types - Button will show you the 3 filter types available in bot... Pressing each buttons will either enable or disable them and this will take into action as soon as you use them...without the need of a restart....
-> Configure - Button will help you to change no. of pages/ buttons per page/ total result without acutally editing the repo... Also it provide option to Enable/Disable showing Invite Link in each results
-> Status - Button will show the stats of your current group
You can deploy this bot anywhere.
Deploy To VPS
git clone https://github.com/TR-TECH-GUIDE/Telegram-Auto-Filter-Bot cd Telegram-Auto-Filter-Bot pip3 install -r requirements.txt # Change The Vars Of bot/__init__.py File Accordingly python3 -m bot
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Licensed under GNU AGPL v3.0.
Selling The Codes To Other People For Money Is Strictly Prohibited.
- Tharuk Renuja for modifying this repository