Asset for convenient use of Kopia in Unity
- Launch Kopia GUI or launch Kopia server
- Install Asset: open .unitypackage from this repository and install SLywnow basic same way
- Open the SLywnow/Kopia UI window
- Set path to kopia.exe file, example: C:\KopiaUI\resources\server (only folder, not file) and press Save & Check
- If you set right path and server started, then on top you'll see "Connected" text. Now you're ready to use asset
Creates new snapshot, it'll copy full project folder, except Temp
Refreshes list of all snapshots
You can open additional info about snapshot, also, you can remove or restore this snapshot. Also, you can see files in snapshot, see File browsing for more info.
You can see all files and directories in snapshot and their size. You can restore any file or directory by pressing "Restore" button on right. To move back press "To the top" or "Close" on top.
Also, on top you can see current path.
Some files (can be setted in settings) can be opend in preview. If it's image, then you can just open preview of this. If it's text and if it's exist in project, you can see difference, otherwise you can open preview too.
When asset working all GUI vanishes and you see status of current task.
To open settings click on settings icon on top right.
- Path to exe: path to kopia.exe file, example: C:\KopiaUI\resources\server (only folder, not file)
- Show .meta files: shows .meta files in the file browser
- Snapshot only Asset folder: create snapshot only for Assets folder instead of whole project
- Don't rewrite files when restore: Only new or deleted files will be writen when you restore data
- Formats:
- Image formats - all formats that will be open as image in image preview
- Text formats - all formats that can be open as text in text preview
Save button will save new settings, Cancel will return data back to old config
All data stores in config.cfg file in KopiaUnity's folder
To open console click on console icon on top right
You can enter any kopia commands here, returns will be showed in Unity's console. But I recommends to use classical console for that.
- Create system to autorun server
- Fix bugs
- Add more console commands in help
- Add confirm before delete/restore and settings to show it
- Improve previews