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robot world design ideas

Anne Ogborn edited this page Apr 27, 2019 · 1 revision

[Friday 26 April 2019] [7:34:00 PM PDT] like if you were a robot that ran on a battery, and you used your battery to power other things...

Friday 26 April 2019] [7:33:51 PM PDT] who framed roger rabbit has some of the same tone [Friday 26 April 2019] [7:34:14 PM PDT] you can treat even heavy subjects (roger rabbit is about genocide) in a light way

[Friday 26 April 2019] [7:34:54 PM PDT] and the oracle's just a robot pal (the idea was to make a robot pal, who you can ask questions of. This is answered by LarkC, the ai stuff we wanted to exercise with this game jam. Since it's likely to often spout gibberish, we treat it as an oracle - like the Greek one - that spouts ambiguous or wrong or crazy stuff)

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