Releases: Sacha1083/registrationForm
Releases · Sacha1083/registrationForm
What's Changed
- 33 registrationformp2 by @Sacha1083 in #34
- Sacha1083 extension 2 by @Sacha1083 in #35
- Requirement R3 added by @Sacha1083 in #36
- Sacha1083 splass screen & r4 expansion by @Sacha1083 in #37
- Sacha1083 internationalization by @Sacha1083 in #38
- Sacha1083 implementation of the database in the interface by @Sacha1083 in #39
- Sacha1083 sq lite by @Sacha1083 in #40
- Sacha1083 bd file by @Sacha1083 in #41
- Sacha1083 menu by @Sacha1083 in #42
- Sacha1083 show statistics by @Sacha1083 in #43
- Sacha1083 java doc by @Sacha1083 in #44
- Add files via upload by @Sacha1083 in #46
- Rename LICENSE.txt to LICENSE by @Sacha1083 in #47
Full Changelog: V1.4...V2.0
What's Changed
- final panel and file by @Sacha1083 in #25
- Display data & build by @Sacha1083 in #27
- Added theme selector by @Sacha1083 in #29
- Executable installer of the program by @Sacha1083 in #30
Full Changelog: V1.2...V1.3
What's Changed
- 22 jlist with images in country panel by @Sacha1083 in #23
Full Changelog: V1.1...V1.2
For the new release with the .jar file, here are the latest enhancements and changes recently closed in the Sacha1083/registrationForm repository:
What's Changed
- Sacha1083 countries selector by @Sacha1083 in #9
- Clean code & rename by @Sacha1083 in #10
- Migration completed by @Sacha1083 in #13
- Maven Support by @Sacha1083 in #14
- 11 login logic by @Sacha1083 in #15
- File countries and provinces and methods of obtaining data by @Sacha1083 in #17
- 18 display data and save by @Sacha1083 in #19
Full Changelog: V0.1...V1.0
Only 2 cards completed
What's Changed
- Finished panel appearance by @Sacha1083 in #4
- Sacha103 user data first by @Sacha1083 in #5
- Bug fixed and comments by @Sacha1083 in #6
Full Changelog: alpha...27-SEP-2024
Alpha - 0.1
What's Changed
- Finished panel appearance by @Sacha1083 in #4
- Sacha103 user data first by @Sacha1083 in #5
- Bug fixed and comments by @Sacha1083 in #6
Full Changelog: alpha...V0.1