IS Console App
- .Net Core 6.0 - I have primarily I worked 3.1 for the past 3 years but have upgraded to 6.0 recently. FYI Upgrading to newer versions of .Net requires a newer version of Visual Studio.
- I have assumed that the table could include multiple items in the future, so I have tried to make the solution expandable as possible with this in mind. For a better look at how I've created the models to reflect this, please take a look at the Models created in DomainModels Project.
- Unit Testing - Could do with covering more use cases end to end.
- Automation Testing
- Database - The solution should allow to expand and create a Repository and Database layer which would allow us to save and retrieve data from a database.
- Code Improvements - Add more comments explaining some parts of the code.
- Solution is still to be setup to allow for User Input. Commands can only be provided using the JSON file named commands.json, located in the ISConsoleApp Project.
- Misspelling of ISConsoleApp. Should be renamed to IS.ConsoleApp.
- For an unknown reason, I wasn't able to populate the following parameters from a launchSettings.json file. For now, I've hard coded the values in code as it was just a minor issue.
UnitTests - Inside this folder are Unit Tests for the Validator, Services and Domain Model methods.
ISConsoleApp - Top level Executable Project
IS.Core - Class Library to allow developers to store code such as Constants, Exceptions, StringConverters etc. Is used to prevent duplicating code and hardcoding.
IS.Domain - Currently only storing Domain Models.
IS.Services - Class Library that is called by the top level project. If the solution is expanded, It would have access to the Repository and Database Project.
IS.Validator - Class Library for validating the fields of a request.
- .Net Core 6.0
- Visual Studio 2022
Clone Repository
Setup ISConsoleApp as startup project with Current Test Data
- Change Test Data if required.
- Add Movement Commands by adding a JSON Object. E.g. { "XCoordinate": "0", "YCoordinate": "0", "FaceDirection": "NORTH", "EventType": "5" }
Event Type is an Enum and can be defined using the following integers.
If Test Data has not been amended, you should get the following output.