Check the weather from your terminal
$ clone the repo
$ yarn install
$ npm link
$ Note: Create an account in the openweather and use the api key from the profile that you get.
$ weather --help
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
current <location> display the current weather data based on the city passed
Example: weather current location
forecast [options] <location> list of weather forecast data for the provided location
Example: weather forecast location
air-quality <location> display the air-quality of the location that we define
Example: weather air-quality location
favorites List all the favorite locations
Example: weather favorites
add-favorite <location> Add a location to favorite
Example: weather favorites nepal
help [command] display help for command
$ weather current Nepal
temperature: '22.18 deg',
Humidity: '59%',
Pressure: '1012hPa',
Wind_Speed: '2.08m/s',
description: 'broken clouds',
coordinate: { lon: 84, lat: 28 },
timezone: 20700,
visibility: 10000
$ weather air-quality Nepal
AQI: 4,
PM2_5: 42.12,
PM10: 65.05,
O3: 141.62
Licensed under MIT. See LICENSE for more information.
Report a bug in issues.
Made by Sandip Gyawali