ABOUT: School project on how to use API with PHP, classes and functions. Information is directly written in the URL.
DATABASE Carts - With one order from one user Products - With all the products made Users - All the users one have created
Code rules (I've tried to keep);
Class names If it is a class, it starts with a big letter, ex: class User
Methods/functions If it a method/function in a class, I user big camelcase, ex: CreateUser
Variables In the cases that I create a variable, I use normally the same camelcase for variables as , ex: $userID(variable in VS code) and userID(name of column in database)
Titles of php-files The titles of the php-files in the project are written in small camelcase, ex: getOneUser or getAll
Users: UserClass.php loginUser.php getOneUser.php deleteUser.php editUser.php getAll.php createUser.php Tokens createToken.php checkToken.php validateToken.php UpdateToken.php
Products: productClass.php createProduct.php deleteProduct.php getAllProducts.php getOneProduct.php editProduct.php searchProduct.php
Cart: cartClass.php createCart.php checkout.php deleteProdFromCart.php
VALIDATIONS: In most cases one need a userid to be validated to be able to create a cart for example.