This algorithm explores a unique property related to the sum of determinants of matrices, providing a novel perspective on their interplay. The primary theory posits that the direct sum of determinants of matrices
Basic Principle: The algorithm starts by stating that
$\det(A + B) \neq \det(A) + \det(B)$ . -
Captivating Pattern: Despite the inequality, a captivating pattern is observed:
$\det(A + B) \equiv \det(A) + \det(B) + c(A, B)$ . Refer to the PDF for detailed mathematical expressions. -
Illustration with Example: Matrices
$A$ and$B$ are considered to illustrate the pattern. The algorithm demonstrates the pattern and showcases specific terms involved. For the mathematical details, please refer to the accompanying PDF. -
Verification: The algorithm verifies the equality, illustrating that the left-hand side (LHS) is equivalent to both the right-hand side (RHS) in various combinations.
The pattern is asserted to hold for matrices of any size. The algorithm transforms matrices into a rank-3 tensor
In conclusion, this algorithm provides a fresh perspective on the relationship between determinants of matrices and their sum. It introduces a unique insight into combinational arrangements, applicable to square matrices of varying dimensions. For a detailed mathematical explanation, please refer to the accompanying PDF.