A Kafka Stream client intended for taking EventMessage Flatbuffer objects and outputting a Detector ID frequency table at set intervals, intended for use in pulse visualisation.
Please use the ScreamingUdder Checkstyle when contributing.
Developed with TDD
An example application for using this processor to view SANS2D data is hosted at detection-count-visualisation.
In IntelliJ IDE:
- Select File->Project From Existing Sources...
- Navigate to the local clone of this project and press 'OK'
- Select 'Import project from external model', select 'Maven, then click 'Next'
- Click 'Next' on the next three pages
- Finally, click 'Finish'
Can be run with the following options:
--app-id [-app] - Unique identifier for the application
--bootstrap [-b] - Kafka broker and port to connect to
--zookeeper [-z] - Zookeeper node and port to connect to
--source-topic [-src] - Kafka topic to receive event message from
--pulse-topic [-pt] - Output topic for the output of EventMessageProcessor
--accumulated-topic [-at] - Output topic for the output of PulseImageProcessor
--process-pulse-images [-ppi] - Boolean for whether pulse images created by the EventMessageProcessor are further processed by PulseImageProcessor, true by default
For example, run jar (can be downloaded from releases page):
java -jar EventMessageVisualisationStreamer.jar -b localhost:9092 -z localhost:2181 -src VIZ_events -pt VIZ_eventSum -at VIZ_eventSumAccumulated