Active Delay Tolerant Network Plus is a DTN applications developed by the SeNDA research group.
This project implements a DTN system with some improvements suchs as allowing each bundle to decide how to forward, or to whom delivery.
It's a major improvement over the adtn-platform also developed by the research group.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See installation to install a deb package for only run it.
To develop you need the build-essential, git and cmake packages.
sudo apt-get install build-essential git cmake
If you want to view the coverage when testing, you must install locv
sudo apt-get install lcov
First execute the to configure the hooks used in this project.
There is another script that generates the test executables and coverage.
If you want to make it yourself, create an empty directory.
mkdir build && cd build
Call cmake to generate the files.
cmake ..
And a make call
If you want to install to the system.
sudo make install
To execute the platform.
sudo BundleAgent /usr/local/etc/adtnPlus/adtn.ini
Explain how to install from deb packages
There are two libraries to interact with the platform, one in C++ and another one in Python.
The C++ one is installed by default with the name adtnSocket.h.
If you prefer to use the Python one you need to generate the module, for this its necessary to install setuptools.
When installed you can do.
cd Python && sudo python install
To generate the module and install it to the system, the module can be used by import adtnPlus
How it works, link to docs.
Explain how to generated the python library and dependencies, link to docs.
- Marc Dalmau - Blackcatn13
- Angela Fabregues - AngelaFabreques
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under Apache 2.0 License -see the LICENSE file for details