Image editor with NFT markerplace. Edit your images, make them NFT and sell on our marketplace.
App have 2 main modules: image editor and marketplace.
ImageEditor contain:
- Text module
- Shapes module
- Drawing module
- Adding image layers
- History (undo/redo)
- Guidelines
- Rotating and scaling layers
- Copy/Pasting objects
- Simple layering (bring to front / send to back)
- Zoom and pan
- Hot keys
- Progress saving
- Download resulting image
Marketplace providing opportunity to tokenize your drawings, make them NFT and sell to another people.
- Backend: NodeJS, Express, KNEX
- Database: Postgresql
- Smart contracts: Solidity
- Frontend: Vue, TypeScript, SCSS, Fabric.js
- Bundler: Vite
- Server-API: REST and JSON-API specifications, MVC pattern
- Database-API: builder pattern
- Styles: BEM specification
- Authentication: Web3 Auth
- Creating projects, project - its your own workspace for specific image editing session
- Editing images
- Selling images as NFT
- Fully mobile responsive
- Incredible loaders, slow down your network just to face this beauty
- Metamask + ethers.js for handling cryptocurrency transactions
- INFURA API - for uploading banner and NFT metadata to IPFS
start postgresql server and create empty data base
# you can use docker compose file from the repo
- docker compose up -d
- Deploy ImageNFT.sol from the contracts folder. (You can use Remix or whatever IDE you like)
- Create .env file for backend and for frontend. Check .env.example in each folder.
cd server && yarn install && cd ../frontend && yarn install
# start in different terminals or in daemon mode
# start from the dedicated folder (frontend || backend)
yarn start # for frontend
yarn dev # for backend