A Senior Ruby on Rails Developer, Web Platform Architect and Mathematician.
I have a degree in Computational Linguistics.
I love building complex web startups.
Technologies I use:
- Ruby (10+ years)
- Python (2+ years)
- C (1+ years)
Here are my code samples:
- Ruby optimization by using Python and C: https://github.com/SerhiiVynohradov/rails-performance-optimization-example
- Ruby CPU Optimization (rbspy): SerhiiVynohradov/rails-optimization-task1#1
- Ruby RAM Optimization (qcachegrind + ruby-prof): SerhiiVynohradov/rails-optimization-task2#1
- Rails SQL & Rendering Bottleneck Optimization (Newrelic, PGHero, Bullet, RackMiniProfiler): SerhiiVynohradov/rails-optimization-task3#1
- Rails Caching + Apache Benchmark Load Testing + "local_production" environment: SerhiiVynohradov/rails-optimization-task4#1
- Github CI Setup + speedtest.io/ngrok CI test of kb budgets of downloaded JS + assets/webpack optimization to fit the budgets: SerhiiVynohradov/rails-optimization-task6#1
- Optimizing Test Suite and Collecting DX Metrics: SerhiiVynohradov/rails-optimization-task7#1
- Real-world Production App Performance Optimization: SerhiiVynohradov/rails-optimization-task8#1
- Writing a Ruby Gem: https://github.com/SerhiiVynohradov/standalone_class_instance_validator
- Async HTTP calls from Ruby client: SerhiiVynohradov/rails-optimization-task5#1
- RabbitMQ and Sinatra microservices + ELK logging (Elasticsearch + Kibana + Filebeat) + Microservice Monitoring (Prometheus + Graphana): https://github.com/SerhiiVynohradov/rabbitmq-code-sample/tree/main
- Distributed Deployment of Microservices using Ansible: https://github.com/SerhiiVynohradov/distributed-deployment-ansible
Currently, I work at a Microsoft-funded 9000-feature real estate investment platform where we sell skyscrapers to funds worldwide.
Before that, I made a US-wide crowdfunding platform for the US elections, funded by the US government.
I also made other interesting projects.
Download my CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j-yj2vLCyhgHYdvDWCOdcyO7I09xwENU/edit?usp=drivesdk&ouid=104554641446896904185&rtpof=true&sd=true
I make Mindmaps of the tools I use.
Here's one of them:
Ruby Core: https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1JzwF4SPqw0fztTfr9CRZGDT7GaKQH2S_&export=download
I have a lot of those.