PyMapGen is a Python 3.11 program for viewing Traveller RPG stellar maps. Of course, it's a much smaller project than what's going on over at
The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright 1977 - 2024 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises.

Windows 11
It has been tested on Windows 10.
Python 3.11
This code was written using the C implementation of Python version 3.11. Also known as CPython.
pyttsx3 2.90
PyMapGen speaks in Zira's voice (her voice comes with Windows). Can be changed to a different voice in the source.
pygame 2.4.0
PyGame is used to draw the maps. It's basically a Python wrapper for SDL 2.26.4, which PyGame includes.
Click on a sector to center it.
Dragging a sector (or pressing the arrow keys) will scroll the map.
The mouse wheel
will zoom the map in and out while pointing.
Pressing 0
will mute the computer's voice.
Pressing 1 - 9
will choose the computer's voice shown in the list.
Pressing h
will flip to a hex map(s) at different zoom levels.
Pressing r
will flip to a rectangle map.
Pressing c
will toggle solid/clear travel zones while zoomed in.
Pressing z
will toggle circle/hex/rectangle travel zones while zoomed in.
Pressing t
will toggle world UWP/TC while zoomed in.
Pressing l
will toggle the world system locations on/off.
Pressing g
will toggle the hex/rectangle grid on/off.
Pressing ESC
will exit the program.
Displays subsector names.
Searches for computer voices and displays their names in a list to choose from.
Updated to Python 3.11.0.
Desert, Agricultural, and Barren worlds are better displayed.
Compatible with pygame 2.1.2.
Removed requirement for colorama.
A differentiation has now been made between barren and dieback worlds.
Fixed the blue Allegiances.
Removed 3rd-party voices.
Questions? Please contact [email protected]