Status: Completed
The project was created to facilitate user management, performing operations such as creating, editing, and deleting users. The structure is divided into two parts, /client and /server, where the front-end was developed with Vue.jsusing the PrimeVue component library, and the back-end with the Flask framework.
Package | Version |
Vue.js | 3.5.13 |
PrimeVue | 4.2.5 |
TailwindCSS | 3.4.17 |
Vue Router | 4.5.0 |
Pinia | 2.3.0 |
npm | 10.9.0 |
- Home Page
After downloading and extracting the project, it is necessary to run some commands in the terminal. First, let's start with the client or front-end.
Let´s configure the front first:
On the terminal from Vs Code, type:
cd client
Now you are in the client directory, run the second command to install all the packages we need:
npm install
And then, we have the last one:
npm run dev
The project is probably live at this point. You can access it by clicking on the link in the terminal or just copying and pasting this link into your browser: http://localhost:5173/
Now to the back-end
First, let's return to the root of the project, just type:
cd ..
and then:
cd server
Now, within this directory, we need to install and start a virtual environment with Python, use the next command:
py -3 -m venv env
python3 -m venv .env
Here we need to activate the enviroment:
. .env/bin/activate
Obs: On Windows, you might encounter issues starting the virtual environment due to PowerSheel , as it requires script execution permission. Therefore, I recommend switching to the Command Prompt , which in my view, makes things much easier.
Now, we are finally inside the environment. You will probably know this because at the beginning of the directory path, there is an (env). Now, we can finally install our packages.
Just run this code, to install all the packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If everything went well, just run the server.
flask run --port=5001 --debug
Now we have everything running, but there's one thing left to do: connect the project to MongoDB. It's quite easy. I'll leave a video for that here:
After creating the server, we will only need three things. In the root of the project, create a file called .env. Inside it, create two environment variables: DATABASE_URL and MONGO_DB_NAME. In these two fields, you need to add the URL and the database name of your MongoDB server. I recommend setting db_name to 'user_data'.
Warning , if you are on Linux and have any issues using environment variables, add them temporarily to the terminal session or permanently, but honestly, just add them temporarily.
Add this:
export MONGO_DB_NAME=users_data
Alright, you've created your database and added the variables. Now we just need to add data to the database, and that's easy.
First, navigate to the app folder. In the terminal, within the server directory, type:
cd app
And then type the following command in the terminal:
If everything goes well, the database should now be populated with the JSON data. Click the following link, and the users should be displayed: http://localhost:5173/