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Allows for remapping remote buttons on LG WebOS TVs.

The homebrew channel with root access is required for this to work!

How to use

The app needs to be launched at least once for it to begin working. Afterwards it will persist even across reboots.

To remap a button, press Add keybind in the interface.

Set the ID to the ID of the button you want to remap

Next, choose what you want to do with this button. To disable the button, choose Disable. To make the button execute a command, choose Execute, and enter the command. To replace the button with another button, choose Replace, and fill in the ID of the button you want to replace it with.

When you are done, press Save changes. The changes should be automatically applied.

To find the ID of a button, view the log files in the interface, press a button, and see what pops up. You should see something like id => 1. The first number is the ID of the button.

The log files you should view, depend on your WebOS version and what remote you are using. Each log is described in the dropdown menu.

Alternatively, I have collected the button IDs for every button on this IR remote, which you can find listed here. I also created a list of all keycodes from a decompiled function in network-input-service.

How to install

Method 1, using webos dev manager:

  1. Download the ipk file from the releases.
  2. Download webos-dev-manager, and open it
  3. Press add device
  4. Fill in your TVs information, Authentication Method should be password, Username should be root, and password should be alpine. The host address is the IP address of the TV.
  5. In the Apps menu, click the Install button in the upper right corner.
  6. Choose the ipk file you downloaded earlier.
  7. The app should now be installed and should show up in the list. Press Launch to launch it

Method 2, using the webos CLI:

  1. Download the ipk file from the releases.
  2. Install the webos CLI
  3. Run the following command with the CLI, but with the IP address of your tv, and a device name: ares-setup-device --add deviceName -i "host=ip_address" -i "port=22" -i "username=root" -i "password=alpine" For example: ares-setup-device --add livingRoomTV -i "host=" -i "port=22" -i "username=root" -i "password=alpine"
  4. Run this command, with the path of the ipk file, to install it. ares-install --device deviceName /path/to/file.ipk
  5. The app should now be installed. Run ares-launch --device deviceName org.webosbrew.inputhook to launch it.

How to build

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run the following commands (assuming NPM is installed):
npm install
npm run build
npm run package
  1. This will produce an ipk file. See the instructions above for installing it.


smx-smx - Created ezinject / hookfactory, which is used to inject the inputhook into the various processes.

Informatic - Created the original inputhook script.

Rembihnutur#6877 (717868262058360833) - Created the icon