I'm a passionate Full Stack Software Developer🚀 having an experience of building Web and Mobile applications with TypeScript / Reactjs / Next.js / Nodejs / React Native and some other cool libraries and frameworks.
- TypeScript
- TailWind CSS
- Python
- Next.js
- React Native
- Nest.js
- C
- Mangalib: MangaLib provides a personal manga library management solution, enabling users to efficiently store and search through their manga collection.
- Gomoku: A game of Gomoku integrating an AI player capable of defeating a human player using a negamax with heuristic and alpha beta pruning algorithm.
- Expert System: Expert system for propositional calculus using a backward-chaining inference engine to evaluate rules and facts with "AND", "OR", "XOR" conditions and negation
- Inception-of-Things: This project aims to introduce the basics of Kubernetes by setting up virtual environments using Vagrant, K3s, and K3d with Argo CD.
- Personal website: https://www.malobouce.com
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/malo-bouc%C3%A9/
- Email: [email protected]