Why use SlimFaas?
- Scale
- to 0 after a period of inactivity (work with deployment and statefulset)
- from 0 to n at start (HTTP trigger)
- from n to n+m : compatible with HPA (Horizontal Auto Scaler) and Keda + Prometheus via /metrics routes (SlimFaas integrated autonomous Scale Up coming soon)
- Synchronous HTTP calls
- Asynchronous HTTP calls
- Allows you to limit the number of parallel HTTP requests for each underlying function
- Retry Pattern configurable
- Run job from HTTP calls
- Private and Public functions and jobs
- Private functions can be accessed only by internal namespace http call from pods
- Synchronous Publish/Subscribe internal events via HTTP calls to every replicas via HTTP without any use of specific drivers/libraries (Couple your application with SlimFaas)
- Mind Changer: REST API that show the status of your functions and allow to wake up your infrastructure (Couple your application with Slimfaas)
- Very useful to inform end users that your infrastructure is starting
- Plug and Play: just deploy a standard pod
- No impact on your current kubernetes manifests: just add an annotation to the pod you want to auto-scale
- Very Slim and very Fast
To test SlimFaas on your local machine by using kubernetes with Docker Desktop, please use these commands:
git clone https://github.com/AxaFrance/slimfaas.git
cd slimfaas
cd demo
# Create slimfaas service account and pods
kubectl apply -f deployment-slimfaas.yml
# Expose SlimFaaS service as NodePort or Ingress
kubectl apply -f slimfaas-nodeport.yml
# or
# kubectl apply -f slimfaas-ingress.yml
# Install three instances of fibonacci functions
# fibonacci1, fibonacci2 and fibonacci3
kubectl apply -f deployment-functions.yml
# Install MySql
kubectl apply -f deployment-mysql.yml
# to run Single Page webapp demo (optional) on http://localhost:8000
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --rm axaguildev/fibonacci-webapp:latest
kubectl port-forward svc/slimfaas-nodeport 30021:5000 -n slimfaas-demo
Now, you can access your pod via SlimFaas proxy:
Synchronous way:
- http://localhost:30021/function/fibonacci1/hello/guillaume => HTTP 200 (OK)
- http://localhost:30021/function/fibonacci2/hello/elodie => HTTP 200 (OK)
- http://localhost:30021/function/fibonacci3/hello/julie => HTTP 200 (OK)
- http://localhost:30021/function/fibonacci4/hello/julie => HTTP 404 (Not Found)
Asynchronous way:
- http://localhost:30021/async-function/fibonacci1/hello/guillaume => HTTP 202 (Accepted)
- http://localhost:30021/async-function/fibonacci2/hello/elodie => HTTP 202 (Accepted)
- http://localhost:30021/async-function/fibonacci3/hello/julie => HTTP 202 (Accepted)
- http://localhost:30021/async-function/fibonacci3/hello/julie => HTTP 404 (Not Found)
Just wake up function:
- http://localhost:30021/wake-function/fibonacci1 => HTTP 204 (OK - No Content)
- http://localhost:30021/wake-function/fibonacci2 => HTTP 204 (OK - No Content)
- http://localhost:30021/wake-function/fibonacci3 => HTTP 204 (OK - No Content)
- http://localhost:30021/wake-function/fibonacci4 => HTTP 204 (OK - No Content)
List all function status:
- http://localhost:30021/status-functions => [{"NumberReady":1,"numberRequested":1,PodType":"Deployment","Visibility":"Public","Name":"fibonacci1"}, {"NumberReady":1,"numberRequested":1,PodType":"Deployment","Visibility":"Public","Name":"fibonacci2"}, {"NumberReady":1,"numberRequested":1,PodType":"Deployment","Visibility":"Public","Name":"fibonacci3"}, {"NumberReady":2,"numberRequested":2,PodType":"Deployment","Visibility":"Private","Name":"fibonacci4"}]
Send event to every function replicas (which deployment subscribe to the event name) in synchronous way:
- HTTP POST http://localhost:30021/publish-event/my-event-name {"data":"my-data"} => HTTP 204 (No Content)
Single Page WebApp demo:
Enjoy slimfaas!!!!
To test slimfaas on your local machine by using kubernetes with Docker Desktop, please use these commands:
git clone https://github.com/AxaFrance/slimfaas.git
cd slimfaas
docker-compose up
Now, you can access your pod via SlimFaas proxy:
Enjoy slimfaas!!!!
@axa-fr/slimfaas-planet-saver readme.md
: A vanilla JavaScript library to start and monitor replicas from javascript frontend.
SlimFaas act as an HTTP proxy with 2 modes:
- Synchronous http://slimfaas/function/myfunction = > HTTP response function
- Asynchronous http://slimfaas/async-function/myfunction => HTTP 201
- Tail using SlimData database included in SlimFaas pod
- Wake http://slimfaas/wake-function/myfunction => HTTP 200
- Wake up a function
To publish the message to every replicas in "Ready" state of the function
- HTTP POST http://slimfaas/publish-event/my-event-name {"data":"my-event-data"}
- Add SlimFaas StatefulSet to your kubernetes cluster
- Add SlimFaas annotations to your pods
- Have fun!
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: fibonacci1
namespace: slimfaas-demo
app: fibonacci1
app: fibonacci1
# Just add SlimFaas annotation to your pods and that's it !
SlimFaas/Function: "true"
SlimFaas/ReplicasMin: "0"
SlimFaas/ReplicasAtStart: "1"
SlimFaas/DependsOn: "mysql,fibonacci2" # comma separated list of deployment or statefulset names
SlimFaas/TimeoutSecondBeforeSetReplicasMin: "300"
SlimFaas/NumberParallelRequest : "10"
SlimFaas/Schedule: |
SlimFaas/SubscribeEvents: "Public:my-event-name1,Private:my-event-name2,my-event-name3" # comma separated list of event names
SlimFaas/DefaultVisibility: "Public" # Public or Private (private can be accessed only by internal namespace https call from pods)
SlimFaas/UrlsPathStartWithVisibility: "Private:/mypath/subPath,Private:/mysecondpath" # Public or Private (private can be accessed only by internal namespace https call from pods)
serviceAccountName: default
- name: fibonacci1
image: docker.io/axaguildev/fibonacci:latest
path: /health
port: 5000
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 5
timeoutSeconds: 5
memory: "96Mi"
cpu: "50m"
memory: "96Mi"
cpu: "10m"
- containerPort: 50004
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: fibonacci1
namespace: slimfaas-demo
app: fibonacci1
- port: 5000
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
name: slimfaas
namespace: slimfaas-demo
replicas: 3
podManagementPolicy: Parallel
serviceName: slimfaas
app: slimfaas
app: slimfaas
- name: slimfaas-volume
sizeLimit: 10Mi
serviceAccountName: admin # Use a service account with admin role
- name: slimfaas
image: docker.io/axaguildev/slimfaas:latest
path: /health
port: 5000
initialDelaySeconds: 3
periodSeconds: 10
timeoutSeconds: 8
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
value: "http://{function_name}.{namespace}.svc.cluster.local:5000"
- name: BASE_FUNCTION_POD_URL # require for publish route
value: "http://{pod_ip}:5000"
value: "http://{pod_name}.slimfaas.{namespace}.svc.cluster.local:3262/" # Don't expose this port, it can also be like "http://{pod_ip}:3262/" but if you can use DNS it's better
value: "5000" # can be like "5000,6000,7000" if you want to expose more ports
value: "default"
value: "/database"
# If you want to send event to an url which is not a SlimFaas function, you can use this env variable
# use comma to separate event name and url, use => to separate event name and destination url.
# urls are separated by ;
# value: "my-event-name1=>http://localhost:5002;http://localhost:5003,my-event-name2=>http://localhost:5002"
# If you want to use just one pod for testing purpose, you can use this env variable
# value: |
# {"coldStart":"true"}
# If you are not on kubernetes for example docker-compose, you can use this env variable, but you will lose auto-scale
# value: "{"Functions":[{"Name":"fibonacci","NumberParallelRequest":1}],"Slimfaas":[{"Name":"slimfaas-1"}]}"
# Configure CORS allowed Origins, default is *, you can use a comma separated list example: http://localhost:3000,http://localhost:3001
# Optional, longer is the delay, less CPU and RAM is used
# value : "500" # default equivalent to 0,5 seconds
# Optional, longer is the delay, less CPU and RAM is used
# value : "2000" # default equivalent to 2 seconds
# Optional, longer is the delay, less CPU and RAM is used
# value : "50" # default equivalent to 50 milliseconds
# Optional, longer is the delay, less CPU and RAM is used
# value : "1000" # default equivalent to 1 seconds
# Optional
# value : "10000" # default equivalent to 10 seconds
# Optional
# value : "false" # default equivalent to false
# Optional
# value : "false" # default equivalent to false
# Optional
# value: "1000" # default equivalent to 1 seconds
# Optional
# value: "60" # default equivalent to 10 seconds
# name : SLIMDATA_CONFIGURATION # represent SlimData internal configuration, more documentation here: https://dotnet.github.io/dotNext/features/cluster/raft.html
# value : | #default values
# {
# "partitioning":"false",
# "lowerElectionTimeout":"150",
# "upperElectionTimeout":"300",
# "requestTimeout":"00:00:00.3000000",
# "rpcTimeout":"00:00:00.1500000",
# "coldStart":"false",
# "requestJournal:memoryLimit":"5",
# "requestJournal:expiration":"00:01:00",
# "heartbeatThreshold":"0.5",
# }
# value : | # represent SlimFaas internal configuration, more documentation here:
# {
# "DefaultNumberParallelRequest": 1, # Timeout in seconds
# "DefaultVisibility": "Private", # Retry pattern in seconds
# "AllowDynamicJob": false,
# "Jobs": {
# "daisy" : { "NumberParallelRequest": 1, "Visibility": "Public" }
# }
# }
- name: slimfaas-volume
mountPath: /database
memory: "76Mi"
cpu: "400m"
memory: "76Mi"
cpu: "250m"
- containerPort: 5000
- containerPort: 3262
# You can use this section to define a persistent volume claim
#- metadata:
# name: slimfaas-volume
# spec:
# accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
# storageClassName: managed-csi # or any other storage class available in your cluster
# volumeMode: Filesystem
# resources:
# requests:
# storage: 10Mi
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: slimfaas
namespace: slimfaas-demo
app: slimfaas
- name: "http"
port: 80
targetPort: 5000
- name: "slimdata"
port: 3262
targetPort: 3262
Yours service name must be the same as the SlimFaas Deployment/StatefulSet name
- SlimFaas/Function: "true"
- Activate SlimFaas on this pod, so your pod will be auto-scaled
- SlimFaas/ReplicasMin: "0"
- Scale down to this value after a period of inactivity
- SlimFaas/ReplicasAtStart: "1"
- Scale up to this value at start
- SlimFaas/TimeoutSecondBeforeSetReplicasMin: "300"
- Scale down to SlimFaas/ReplicasMin after this period of inactivity in seconds
- SlimFaas/NumberParallelRequest : "10"
- Limit the number of parallel HTTP requests for each underlying function
- SlimFaas/DependsOn : ""
- Comma separated list of deployment names or statefulset names
- Pods will be scaled up only if all pods in this list are in ready state with the minimum number of replicas superior or equal to ReplicasAtStart
- This property is useful if you want to scale up your pods only if your database is ready for example
- SlimFaas/SubscribeEvents : ""
- Comma separated list of event names to license the function to receive events. example: "Public:my-event-name1,Private:my-event-name2,my-event-name3"
- "Public:" or "Private:" are prefix that set the event visibility, if not set, "SlimFaas/DefaultVisibility" is used
- SlimFaas/DefaultVisibility : "Public"
- Public or Private (private can be accessed only by internal namespace https call from pods)
- SlimFaas/PathsStartWithVisibility : ""
- Comma separated list of path prefixed by the default visibility. example: "Private:/mypath/subpath,Public:/mypath2"
- "Public:" or "Private:" are prefix that set the path visibility, if not set, "SlimFaas/DefaultVisibility" is used
- SlimFaas/ExcludeDeploymentsFromVisibilityPrivate : ""
- Comma separated list of deployment names or statefulset names
- Message from that pods will be considered as public. It is useful if you want to exclude some pods from the private visibility, for example for a backend for frontend.
- SlimFaas/Configuration : json configuration default values displayed below
- Allows you to define a configuration for your functions. For example, you can define a timeout for HTTP calls, a retry pattern for timeouts and HTTP status codes.
"HttpTimeout": 120, # Timeout in seconds
"TimeoutRetries": [2,4,8] # Retry pattern in seconds
"HttpStatusRetries": [500,502,503] # Retry only for 500,502,503 HTTP status codes
"HttpTimeout": 120, # Timeout in seconds
"TimeoutRetries": [2,4,8] # Retry pattern in seconds
"HttpStatusRetries": [500,502,503] # Retry only for 500,502,503 HTTP status codes
"HttpTimeout": 120, # Timeout in seconds
"TimeoutRetries": [2,4,8] # Retry pattern in seconds
"HttpStatusRetries": [500,502,503] # Retry only for 500,502,503 HTTP status codes
- SlimFaas/Schedule : json configuration
- Allows you to define a schedule for your functions. If you want to wake up your infrastructure at 07:00 or for example scale down after 60 seconds of inactivity after 07:00 and scale down after 10 seconds of inactivity after 21:00. Time zones are defined as IANA time zones. The full list is available here
"TimeZoneID":"Europe/Paris", # Time Zone ID can be found here: https://nodatime.org/TimeZones
"WakeUp":["07:00"], # Wake up your infrastructure at 07:00
{"Time":"07:00","Value":20}, # Scale down after 20 seconds of inactivity after 07:00
{"Time":"21:00","Value":10} # Scale down after 10 seconds of inactivity after 21:00
We used OpenFaas for a long time and we love it. But we encountered many OpenFaas issues:
- Kubernetes scripts are tightly coupled to OpenFaas syntax
- OpenFaas pro is too expensive for our projects
- OpenFaas needs to be installed on a dedicated namespace and configuration was intricate
- OpenFaas monitoring was not compatible with our monitoring solution
- It requires to configure well NATS for managing fail-over
- Queue configuration is not easy
- The aggressive removing of old images from docker.io by OpenFaas team in April 2023 got us some production issues
We would like to use Knative but:
- We cannot use it because of some internal constraints and security issues.
So we decided to create SlimFaas to have a quick and simple replacement proxy solution that can expose Prometheus metrics. Now we have a solution not coupled to anything. SlimFaas is simple, light, fast and plug and play!
Instead of creating many pods, SlimFaas use internally many workers in the same pod:
- SlimWorker: Manage asynchronous HTTP requests calls to underlying functions
- SlimDataSynchronizationWorker: Allow to make possible scale up and down SlimData Raft nodes
- HistorySynchronisationWorker: Manage history of HTTP requests between the pod and kubernetes
- ReplicasSynchronizationWorker: Manage replicas synchronization between the pod and kubernetes
- ReplicasScaleWorker: If master, then scale up and down kubernetes pods
SlimData is a simple redis like database included inside SlimFaas executable. It is based on Raft (https://raft.github.io/) algorithm offered by awesome dotNext library (https://github.com/dotnet/dotNext). By default, SlimData use a second HTTP port 3262 to expose its API. Don't expose it and keep it internal.
SlimFaas requires at least 3 nodes in production. 2 nodes are required to keep the database in a consistent state.
If you want to use just one pod for testing purpose, you can use this env variable:
- SLIMDATA_CONFIGURATION: '{"coldStart":"true"}'
This will allow to start a pod alone as a leader. SlimFaas can to scale up and down by using classic Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA).
Why .NET?
- .NET is always getting faster and faster : https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=data-r22
- ASP.NET Core allow to resolve complex use cases with few lines of codes
- .NET is always getting smaller and smaller: https://twitter.com/MStrehovsky/status/1660806238979117056?t=WPrZwi7WrIWi4tjoDUXEgg&s=19
- French : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lvd6FCuCZPI
- English: https://youtu.be/hxRfvJhWW1w?si=4LuPgHVsuEVhlhpF
- Retry pattern fully controllable with dead letter queue
- Scale up dynamically from SlimFaas in Async Mode
- Scale up dynamically from SlimFaas in Sync Mode (Copy KEDA syntax)
- Aggregate all swaggers from functions in one exposed by SlimFaas
- New pod to "Wake up" from External Source (example: Kafka, etc.) using https://cloudevents.io/ as standard https://github.com/cloudevents/sdk-csharp
- Continue Optimization
Join us on Slack: https://cloud-native.slack.com/archives/C08CRC77VDE
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