You've had the Shan site quite a while now, but it's time for an update to make it more useful. Especially being able to display texts with pinyin, to practice pronunciation, would be very good.
The main goals of the app are:
- choose a batch to play with (Save in localstorage)
- LocalStorangeService - to save settings: current batch, used words, current words and state?
- DailyWordsService - to provide the daily words
- See 3 cards with a character (or with a meaning)
- click card to see hint (pinyin)
- enter a value to see if you are correct
- turn card around to see meaning
- english->pinyin/chinese (based on setting, time of day?)
- chinese/pinyin->english
- choose a batch to play with (Save in localstorage)
Expose you to chinese characters, Pinyin and translation
Quickly add characters (and make sure you don't add doubles)
Add chinese texts
Keep track of trained characters, times, correctness, etc.
Search Search should always be available, and be consistent: you should be able to go back to previous results Items (Character, Text) are clickable and link to their page. You should likewise, perhaps, be able to search a word in a text (in a side panel or so)
Text Choose a text, see the chinese, and open pinyin reading dialogs for a paragraph.
Downloads Download PDF files
About Just for fun, why did you make this website?
Add Character A very important feature, but it should be smarter, in helping to give you character numbers
Daily Words/List Ten words to practice, and the ability to renew the batch, and use a batch.
Tag words (for grouping, different aspects on words, associations)
- Related words
- Opposite words
- Similar words
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