Source Control Management for NAV C/AL
The installation is basically as follows:
Install SQL Server 2016 Developers. Enable TCP/IP port and set Maximum Memory options.
Install Dynamics NAV (2016 & 2017) with Developer option.
Install GIT with default options
Install SourceTree with default options
Move customactions.xml to %LocalAppData%\Atlassian\SourceTree
Start SourceTree and Clone
As Admin in Powershell ISE
Enable Scripting
Run Scripts\Install-Modules
Run Scripts\Prepare-NAVEnvironment (need to repeat this after NAV installation/repair)
Edit Data*.json to match your environment
Other things that I expect are as follows: Repository has setup.json file with settings Backups are stored on a FTP server or in the Backup folder Repositories that only store deltas must have access to 2017W1.txt file with CRONUS and that file should be in the Workspace folder