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Rusketh edited this page Oct 6, 2014 · 8 revisions

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Example Return Availability Description
boolean == boolean boolean Shared Returns true if boolean is equal to boolean
boolean != boolean boolean Shared Returns true if boolean is not equal to boolean


Example Return Availability Description
boolean || boolean boolean Shared Logic OR
boolean && boolean boolean Shared Logic AND


Example Return Availability Description
(delegate) function delegate Shared Casts a function to a delegate
(function) delegate function Shared Casts a delegate to a function



Example Return Availability Description
delegate var = value Void Shared Creates/Assigns a value to a delegate variable.




Example Return Availability Description
function var = value Void Shared Creates/Assigns a value to a function variable.



Example Return Availability Description
exception var = value Void Shared Creates/Assigns a value to a exception variable.



Example Return Availability Description
boolean var = value Void Shared Creates/Assigns a value to a boolean variable.


Event Return Availability Description
trigger(string, string) Void Serverside No description.
clientLoaded(player) Void Serverside No description.
tick() Void Shared No description.
think() Void Shared No description.




Example Return Availability Description
vertex var = value Void Clientside Creates/Assigns a value to a vertex variable.


Function Return Availability Description
drawTexturedBox(vector2, number, number, number, number) Void Clientside No description.
setDrawColor(number, number, number) Void Clientside No description.
vert(vector2) vertex Clientside No description.
getTextureSize() number Clientside Returns the size of a texture
screenToLocal() vector Shared No description.
setFont(number) string Clientside No description.
setDrawColor(number, number, number) Void Clientside No description.
screenToWorld() vector Shared No description.
nextFramePaused() boolean Clientside No description.
frameRefreshDisabled() boolean Clientside No description.
vert(number, number, number) vertex Clientside No description.
vert(number, number) vertex Clientside No description.
drawTexturedBox(vector2) Void Clientside No description.
drawBox(vector2) Void Clientside No description.
drawLine(vector2) Void Clientside No description.
setDrawColor(number, number, number) Void Clientside No description.
setDrawTexture() Void Clientside Sets the texture used for rendering polys and boxs
drawTextCentered(string) Void Clientside No description.
noFrameRefresh() Void Clientside While set to true the screen will not draw the next frame.
getTextWidth() number Clientside Returns the width of drawing string using the current font.
setFontColor() Void Clientside Sets the current font color.
setFont(number, color) string Clientside No description.
drawPoly() Void Clientside No description.
drawTexturedBox(vector2, number) Void Clientside No description.
drawTextAlignedRight(string) Void Clientside No description.
getTextHeight() number Clientside Returns the width of drawing string using the current font.
drawText(string) Void Clientside No description.
toscreen() vector2 Shared Translates the vectors position into 2D client screen coordinates.
isvisible() boolean Shared Returns true if the vectors position is in clients view.
drawTriangle(vector2, vector2) Void Clientside No description.
pauseNextFrame() Void Clientside returns true, if the screens next frame is paused.


Event Return Availability Description
drawScreen(number, number) Void Clientside No description.
drawHUD(number, number) Void Clientside No description.



Example Return Availability Description
(color) string color Shared Casts a string to a color
(string) color string Shared Casts a color to a string


Example Return Availability Description
color == color boolean Shared Returns true if color is equal to color
color != color boolean Shared Returns true if color is not equal to color



Example Return Availability Description
$value color Shared Returns the delta of change between a variables last and current value.
color var = value Void Shared Creates/Assigns a value to a color variable.


Method Return Availability Description
color.setBlue() Void Shared Sets the blue value of a color object
color.getGreen() number Shared Gets the green value of a color object
color.setAlpha() Void Shared Sets the alpha value of a color object
color.getAlpha() number Shared No description.
color.getRed() number Shared Gets the red value of a color object
color.setRed() Void Shared Sets the red value of a color object
color.getBlue() number Shared Gets the blue value of a color object
color.setGreen() Void Shared Sets the green value of a color object


Function Return Availability Description
hsv2rgb(number, number) color Shared No description.
color(number, number, number) color Shared No description.
color(number, number, number) color Shared No description.
rgb2hsv(number, number) color Shared No description.




Example Return Availability Description
coroutine var = value Void Shared Creates/Assigns a value to a coroutine variable.


Method Return Availability Description
coroutine.resume(...) boolean Shared No description.
coroutine.resume() boolean Shared No description.
coroutine.status() string Shared No description.


Function Return Availability Description
wait() Void Shared No description.
coroutine() coroutine Shared No description.
sleep() Void Shared No description.
getCoroutine() coroutine Shared No description.



Example Return Availability Description
-vector2 vector2 Shared Negates a vector2
-vector vector Shared Negates a vector


Example Return Availability Description
vector2 > vector2 boolean Shared Returns true if vector2 is greater than vector2
vector2 <= vector2 boolean Shared Returns true if vector2 is less-than or equal to vector2
vector != vector boolean Shared Returns true if vector is not equal to vector
vector == vector boolean Shared Returns true if vector is equal to vector
vector <= vector boolean Shared Returns true if vector is less-than or equal to vector
vector > vector boolean Shared Returns true if vector is greater than vector
vector2 >= vector2 boolean Shared Returns true if vector2 is greater-than or equal to vector2
vector >= vector boolean Shared Returns true if vector is greater-than or equal to vector
vector2 != vector2 boolean Shared Returns true if vector2 is not equal to vector2
vector < vector boolean Shared Returns true if vector is less than vector
vector2 == vector2 boolean Shared Returns true if vector2 is equal to vector2
vector2 < vector2 boolean Shared Returns true if vector2 is less than vector2


Example Return Availability Description
vector2 + number vector2 Shared Adds number to vector2
vector2 + vector2 vector2 Shared Adds vector2 to vector2
number + vector vector Shared Adds vector to number
vector - vector vector Shared Subtracts vector from vector
vector * vector vector Shared Multiplys vector with vector
number / vector vector Shared Divides number by vector
number * vector vector2 Shared Multiplys number with vector
number + vector2 vector2 Shared Adds vector2 to number
vector / number vector Shared Divides vector by number
vector2 - number vector2 Shared Subtracts number from vector2
vector + number vector Shared Adds number to vector
vector - number vector Shared Subtracts number from vector
vector2 / number vector2 Shared Divides vector2 by number
number - vector vector Shared Subtracts vector from number
number / vector2 vector2 Shared Divides number by vector2
vector2 * number vector2 Shared Multiplys vector2 with number
vector2 - vector2 vector2 Shared Subtracts vector2 from vector2
vector * number vector Shared Multiplys vector with number
vector / vector vector Shared Divides vector by vector
vector2 * vector2 vector2 Shared Multiplys vector2 with vector2
vector2 / vector2 vector2 Shared Divides vector2 by vector2
number - vector2 vector2 Shared Subtracts vector2 from number
vector + vector vector Shared Adds vector to vector


Example Return Availability Description
(string) vector string Shared Casts a vector to a string
(string) vector2 string Shared Casts a vector2 to a string



Example Return Availability Description
vector2 var = value Void Shared Creates/Assigns a value to a vector2 variable.
$value vector2 Shared Returns the delta of change between a variables last and current value.


Method Return Availability Description
vector2.getX() number Shared No description.
vector2.setX() Void Shared No description.
vector2.setY() Void Shared No description.
vector2.getY() number Shared No description.



Example Return Availability Description
vector var = value Void Shared Creates/Assigns a value to a vector variable.
$value vector Shared Returns the delta of change between a variables last and current value.


Method Return Availability Description
vector.isZero() boolean Shared Checks whenever all fields of the vector are 0.
vector.insideAABox(vector) boolean Shared No description.
vector.cross() vector Shared Calculates the cross product of the 2 vectors (The vectors that defined the normal created by the 2 vectors).
vector.isEqualto(number) boolean Shared No description.
vector.angleEx() angle Shared No description. number Shared The dot product of two vectors is the product of the entries of the two vectors. A dot product returns the cosine of the angle between the two vectors multiplied by the length of both vectors. A dot product returns just the cosine of the angle if both vectors are normalized
vector.setY() Void Shared Sets the Y value of a vector
vector.lengh2D() number Shared Returns the length of the vector in two dimensions, without the Z axis.
vector.set() Void Shared No description.
vector.lengh2DSqr() number Shared Returns the squared length of the vectors x and y value.
vector.setZ() Void Shared Sets a vector to the value of another vector
vector.getX() number Shared Gets the X value of a vector
vector.getZ() number Shared Gets the Z value of a vector
vector.setX() Void Shared Sets the X value of a vector
vector.lenghSqr() number Shared Returns the squared length of the vector.
vector.getY() number Shared Gets the Y value of a vector
vector.Bearing(vector) number Shared No description.
vector.angle() angle Shared Returns an angle representing the normal of the vector.
vector.distanceSqr() vector Shared Returns the squared distance of 2 vectors.
vector.lengh() number Shared Returns the pythagorean length of the vector.
vector.Heading(vector) angle Shared No description.
vector.rotate() vector Shared Rotates a vector by the given angle.
vector.Elevation(vector) number Shared No description.
vector.distance() vector Shared Returns the pythagorean distance between the vector and the other vector.


Function Return Availability Description
vec(number, number) vector Shared No description.
vec() vector Shared Creates a vector object
intersectRayWithOBB(vector, vector, angle, vector, vector) vector Shared No description.
vec() vector Shared Creates a vector object
vec2() vector2 Shared Creates a vector2 object
normal() vector Shared Returns a normalized version of the vector. Normalized means vector with same direction but with length of 1.
randVec2(number) vector2 Shared No description.
randVec(number) vector Shared No description.
intersectRayWithPlane(vector, vector, vector) vector Shared No description.
vec2() vector2 Shared Creates a vector2 object
vec2(number) vector2 Shared No description.



Example Return Availability Description
(netstream) stream netstream Shared Casts a stream to a netstream


Extends class stream


Method Return Availability Description
netstream.netBroadcast(string) Void Serverside No description.
netstream.netBroadcast() Void Serverside No description.


Function Return Availability Description
netReceive(delegate) Void Clientside No description.



Example Return Availability Description
(hologram) entity hologram Serverside Casts a entity to a hologram


Extends class entity


Method Return Availability Description
hologram.unblockPlayer() Void Serverside Unblocks a player from seeing the hologram, allow them to see it again.
hologram.stopScale() Void Serverside Stops the rescale animation of a hologram.
hologram.unParent() Void Serverside Unparents H from its parent.
hologram.setAng() Void Serverside Sets the angle of a hologram.
hologram.getAnimationName() string Serverside Returns the name of the current animation of a hologram.
hologram.setAnimation(number, number) Void Serverside No description.
hologram.shading() Void Serverside Enables or disables shading of a hologram.
hologram.isVisible() boolean Serverside Returns true of the hologram is visible.
hologram.scaleToUnits(number) Void Serverside No description.
hologram.setAnimation(number, number) Void Serverside No description.
hologram.setID() Void Serverside Sets the id of a hologram for use with hologram(N), the ID is specific to the Gate.
hologram.setAnimation(number, number) Void Serverside No description.
hologram.setBodygroup(number) Void Serverside No description.
hologram.getPose() number Serverside Gets the pose of a hologram.
hologram.animation() number Serverside Gets lookup number of an animation.
hologram.parent() Void Serverside Sets the parent hologram of a hologram.
hologram.setBonePos(vector) Void Serverside No description.
hologram.stopRotate() Void Serverside Stops the rotation animation of a hologram.
hologram.getScale() vector Serverside Returns the scale of a hologram.
hologram.setBoneScale(vector) Void Serverside No description.
hologram.getColor() color Serverside Returns the color RGBA of hologram.
hologram.shadow() Void Serverside Set to true to make a hologram cast a shadow.
hologram.setScale() Void Serverside Sets the scale of a hologram.
hologram.setBoneAngle(angle) Void Serverside No description.
hologram.setModel() Void Serverside No description.
hologram.setAnimation(number, number) Void Serverside No description.
hologram.getAnimation() number Serverside Returns the current animation of a hologram.
hologram.getBonePos() vector Serverside Gets the position of bone N on hologram.
hologram.animationLength() number Serverside Gets the lengh of the animation running on H.
hologram.enableClip(boolean) Void Serverside No description.
hologram.setScaleUnits() Void Serverside Sets the scale of a hologram in units.
hologram.isBlocked() boolean Serverside Returns true is a player is blocked from seeing the hologram.
hologram.stopMove() Void Serverside If a hologram is being moved, by a call to h:moveTo(v,) this stops it.
hologram.visible() Void Serverside Enables or disables visibility of a hologram.
hologram.setClipNormal(vector) Void Serverside No description.
hologram.setPos() Void Serverside Sets the postion of the hologram.
hologram.remove() Void Serverside Removes the hologram.
hologram.blockPlayer() Void Serverside Blocks a player from seeing the hologram.
hologram.setAnimationRate() Void Serverside Sets the animation rate of a hologram.
hologram.setAnimation(number, number) Void Serverside No description.
hologram.setClipOrigin(vector) Void Serverside No description.
hologram.setPose(number) Void Serverside No description.
hologram.setAnimation(number, number) Void Serverside No description.
hologram.boneCount() number Serverside Returns the ammount of bones of a hologram.
hologram.moveTo(number) Void Serverside No description.
hologram.jiggleBone(boolean) Void Serverside No description.
hologram.getBoneScale() vector Serverside Gets the scale of bone N on hologram.
hologram.parent() Void Serverside Sets the parent entity of a hologram.
hologram.setSkin() Void Serverside Sets the skin of a hologram.
hologram.getSkinCount() number Serverside Returns the amount of skins a hologram has.
hologram.getSkin() number Serverside Returns the current skin number of hologram.
hologram.getMaterial() string Serverside Returns the material of a hologram.
hologram.setMaterial() Void Serverside Sets the material of a hologram.
hologram.getParent() entity Serverside Returns the parent entity of a hologram.
hologram.setColor() Void Serverside Sets the color of a hologram.
hologram.pushClip(vector, vector) Void Serverside No description.
hologram.hasShading() boolean Serverside Returns true if a hologram has shading enabled.
hologram.getScaleUnits() vector Serverside Returns the scale of a hologram in units.
hologram.scaleTo(number) Void Serverside No description.
hologram.getParentHolo() hologram Serverside Returns the parent hologram of a hologram.
hologram.getID() number Serverside Returns the current ID of hologram H.
hologram.getBoneAng() vector Serverside Gets the angle of bone N on hologram.
hologram.rotateTo(number) Void Serverside No description.


Function Return Availability Description
hologram() hologram Serverside Creates a hologram with (string model).
canMakeHologram() boolean Serverside Returns true if a hologram can be made this tick.
hologram(vector) hologram Serverside No description.
hologramAnyModel() boolean Serverside No description.
asGameModel() string Serverside Gets the full model path of a wire hologram model.
hologram(vector, angle) hologram Serverside No description.
hologram() hologram Serverside Creates a hologram.
hologram() hologram Serverside Returns the hologram with the id set to N.
hologramMaxScale() number Serverside No description.
hologramClipLimit() number Serverside No description.
hologramSpawnRate() number Serverside No description.
hologramLimit() number Serverside No description.



Example Return Availability Description
(entity) wirelink entity Serverside Casts a wirelink to a entity



Example Return Availability Description
wirelink var = value Void Serverside Creates/Assigns a value to a wirelink variable.


Method Return Availability Description
wirelink.readStringZero() string Serverside No description.
wirelink.writeStringZero(string) number Serverside No description.
wirelink.readArray(number) angle Serverside No description.
wirelink.readCell() number Serverside No description.
wirelink.writeCell(number) boolean Serverside No description.
wirelink.outputType() string Serverside No description.
wirelink.hasOutput() boolean Serverside No description.
wirelink.hasInput() boolean Serverside No description.
wirelink.isHiSpeed() boolean Serverside No description.
wirelink.inputType() string Serverside No description.



Example Return Availability Description
-quaternion quaternion Shared Negates a quaternion


Example Return Availability Description
quaternion * number quaternion Shared Multiplys quaternion with number
number ^ quaternion quaternion Shared Returns number to the power of quaternion
number / quaternion quaternion Shared Divides number by quaternion
number + quaternion quaternion Shared Adds quaternion to number
quaternion * quaternion quaternion Shared Multiplys quaternion with quaternion
quaternion + quaternion quaternion Shared Adds quaternion to quaternion
quaternion / number quaternion Shared Divides quaternion by number
quaternion + number quaternion Shared Adds number to quaternion
quaternion / quaternion quaternion Shared Divides quaternion by quaternion
vector * quaternion quaternion Shared Multiplys vector with quaternion
quaternion - number quaternion Shared Subtracts number from quaternion
quaternion * vector quaternion Shared Multiplys quaternion with vector
number - quaternion quaternion Shared Subtracts quaternion from number
quaternion - quaternion quaternion Shared Subtracts quaternion from quaternion
number * quaternion quaternion Shared Multiplys number with quaternion
quaternion ^ number quaternion Shared Returns quaternion to the power of number


Example Return Availability Description
quaternion != quaternion boolean Shared Returns true if quaternion is not equal to quaternion
quaternion == quaternion boolean Shared Returns true if quaternion is equal to quaternion



Example Return Availability Description
quaternion var = value Void Shared Creates/Assigns a value to a quaternion variable.


Method Return Availability Description
quaternion.right() vector Shared Returns the right vector of a quaternion.
quaternion.real() number Shared Returns the R component of a quaternion.
quaternion.up() vector Shared Returns the up vector of a quaternion.
quaternion.i() number Shared Returns the I component of the quaternion.
quaternion.k() number Shared Returns the K component of a quaternion.
quaternion.toAngle() angle Shared Converts a quaternion to an angle.
quaternion.forward() vector Shared Returns the forward vector of a quaternion.
quaternion.j() number Shared Returns the J component of a quaternion.


Function Return Availability Description
rotationAxis() vector Shared No description.
quat() quaternion Shared Creates a quaternion with an R component of (number).
rotationAngle() number Shared No description.
qj() quaternion Shared Returns a quaternion with an J component of 1.
qi() quaternion Shared Returns a quaternion with an I component of (number).
qRotation(number) quaternion Shared No description.
quat() quaternion Shared Converts (angle) to a quaternion.
abs() number Shared Returns the magnitude (length) of a quaternion.
qk() quaternion Shared Returns a quaternion with an K component of (number).
quat() quaternion Shared Converts the angles of (entity) to a quaternion.
slerp(quaternion, number) quaternion Shared No description.
log() quaternion Shared Returns the logarithm of a quaternion to base e.
quat() quaternion Shared Returns an empty quaternion.
inv() quaternion Shared Returns the inverse of a quaternion.
conj() quaternion Shared Returns the conjugate of a quaternion.
quat(vector) quaternion Shared No description.
rotationVector() vector Shared Returns the rotation vector of a quaternion.
quat(number, number, number) quaternion Shared No description.
qi() quaternion Shared Returns a quaternion with an I component of 1.
exp() quaternion Shared No description.
quat() quaternion Shared Converts (vector) to a quaternion.
qRotation() quaternion Shared Returns a quaternion from a vector, vector components control axis and angle.
qk() quaternion Shared Returns a quaternion with an K component of 1.
vec() vector Shared Creates a vector from a quaternion.
qMod() quaternion Shared Returns the modulus of a quaternion.
qj() quaternion Shared Returns a quaternion with an J component of (number).



Example Return Availability Description
angle > angle boolean Shared Returns true if angle is greater than angle
angle < angle boolean Shared Returns true if angle is less than angle
angle <= angle boolean Shared Returns true if angle is less-than or equal to angle
angle == angle boolean Shared Returns true if angle is equal to angle
angle != angle boolean Shared Returns true if angle is not equal to angle
angle >= angle boolean Shared Returns true if angle is greater-than or equal to angle


Example Return Availability Description
angle - number angle Shared Subtracts number from angle
angle - angle angle Shared Subtracts angle from angle
angle * number angle Shared Multiplys angle with number
angle * angle angle Shared Multiplys angle with angle
angle + angle angle Shared Adds angle to angle
angle / angle angle Shared Divides angle by angle
number * angle angle Shared Multiplys number with angle
number + angle angle Shared Adds angle to number
number / angle angle Shared Divides number by angle
angle / number angle Shared Divides angle by number
angle + number angle Shared Adds number to angle
number - angle angle Shared Subtracts angle from number


Example Return Availability Description
-angle angle Shared Negates a angle



Example Return Availability Description
angle var = value Void Shared Creates/Assigns a value to a angle variable.
$value angle Shared Returns the delta of change between a variables last and current value.


Method Return Availability Description
angle.getYaw() number Shared Gets the yaw value of an angle
angle.up() vector Shared Returns a normal vector facing in the direction that points up relative to the angle's direction
angle.setPitch() Void Shared Sets the pitch value of an angle
angle.normalize() angle Shared Normalizes the angles by applying a module with 360 to pitch, yaw and roll
angle.getRoll() number Shared Gets the roll value of an angle
angle.snapToYaw() angle Shared Snaps the angle's yaw to nearest interval of degrees
angle.setRoll() Void Shared Sets the roll value of an angle
angle.snapToPitch() angle Shared Snaps the angle's pitch to nearest interval of degrees
angle.right() vector Shared Returns a normal vector facing in the direction that points right relative to the angle's direction
angle.rotateAroundAxis(number) angle Shared No description.
angle.setYaw() Void Shared Sets the yaw value of an angle
angle.snapToRoll() angle Shared Snaps the angle's roll to nearest interval of degrees
angle.forward() vector Shared Returns a normal vector facing in the direction that the angle points
angle.getPitch() number Shared Gets the pitch value of an angle


Function Return Availability Description
randAng(number) vector Shared No description.
ang() vector Shared Creates an angle object
ang() vector Shared Creates an angle object
ang(number, number) vector Shared No description.



Function Return Availability Description
hookCall(...) Void Shared No description.
hookAdd(string, delegate) Void Shared No description.
sysTime() number Shared No description.
realtime() number Shared No description.
curTime() number Shared No description.
timerResume() Void Shared Resumed the timer with then given name.
timerStop() Void Shared Removes the timer with then given name.
timerCreate(number, number, delegate, ...) Void Shared No description.
timerCreate(number, number, delegate, ...) Void Shared No description.
hookRemove(string) Void Shared No description.
timerPause() Void Shared Pauses the timer with then given name.
time() number Shared No description.



Example Return Availability Description
(string) entity string Shared Casts a entity to a string


Example Return Availability Description
entity != entity boolean Shared Returns true if entity is not equal to entity
entity == entity boolean Shared Returns true if entity is equal to entity



Example Return Availability Description
entity var = value Void Shared Creates/Assigns a value to a entity variable.


Method Return Availability Description
entity.right() vector Shared Gets the right-facing vector of the given entity.
entity.setMaterial() Void Serverside Sets the material of the given entity.
entity.boxCenter() vector Shared Gets the collision bounding size for the given entity.
entity.material() string Shared Gets the material of the given entity.
entity.angVelVector() angle Shared Returns the angular velocity of the given entity as a vector.
entity.setColor() Void Serverside Sets the color of the given entity.
entity.validPhysics() boolean Shared Returns if the given entity has valid physics.
entity.isWeapon() boolean Shared Returns if the entity is a weapon.
entity.physProp() string Shared Gets the physical properties of the given entity.
entity.owner() entity Shared Gets the owner of the given entity.
entity.passenger() player Shared Gets the passenger of the given vehicle.
entity.isfrozen() boolean Shared Returns if the given entity is frozen.
entity.setMass() Void Serverside Sets the mass of the given entity.
entity.angle() angle Shared Gets the angle of the given entity.
entity.forward() vector Shared Gets the forward vector of the given entity.
entity.inertia() vector Shared Returns the inertia of the given entity.
entity.index() number Shared Gets the index of the given entity.
entity.model() string Shared Gets the model of the given entity.
entity.driver() player Shared Gets the driver of the given vehicle.
entity.isValid() boolean Shared Returns if the given entity is valid.
entity.isOnFire() boolean Shared Returns if the entity is on fire.
entity.mass() entity Shared Returns the mass of the given entity.
entity.vel() vector Shared Returns the velocity of the given entity.
entity.velL() vector Shared Returns the local velocity of the given entity.
entity.getColor() color Shared Gets the color of the given entity.
entity.getColour() color Shared Gets the colour of the given entity.
entity.boxMin() vector Shared Gets the collision bounding min size for the given entity.
entity.massCenter() vector Shared Returns the center of mass of the given entity.
entity.massCenterL() vector Shared Returns the local center of mass of the given entity.
entity.applyOffsetForce(vector) Void Serverside No description. number Shared Returns the health of the entity.
entity.class() string Shared Gets the class of the given entity.
entity.isPlayerHolding() boolean Shared Returns if the entity is being held by the player.
entity.setColour() Void Serverside Sets the colour of the given entity.
entity.elevation() number Shared Returns the elevation between the two given points
entity.pos() vector Shared Gets the position of the given entity.
entity.boxSize() vector Shared Gets the collision bounding size for the given entity.
entity.volume() number Shared Returns the volume of the given entity.
entity.killPod() Void Serverside Kills the driver of the given vehicle.
entity.setPhysProp() Void Serverside Sets the physical properties of the given entity.
entity.setAng() Void Serverside Sets the angle of the given entity.
entity.applyForce() Void Serverside Applies a vector of force on the given entity.
entity.applyAngForce() Void Serverside Applies torque to the given entity depending on the given angle
entity.heading() angle Shared Returns the heading angle between the two given points
entity.up() vector Shared Gets the upwards vector of the given entity.
entity.lockPod() Void Serverside Ejects the driver from the given vehicle. string Shared Gets the name of the given entity.
entity.radius() number Shared Returns the bounding radius of the given entity.
entity.setPos() Void Serverside Sets the position of the given entity.
entity.angVel() angle Shared Returns the angular velocity of the given entity.
entity.boxMax() vector Shared Gets the collision bounding max size for the given entity.
entity.bearing() number Shared Returns the bearing between the two given points
entity.setModel() Void Serverside Sets the model of the given entity.
entity.ejectPod() Void Serverside No description.


Function Return Availability Description
entity() entity Shared Returns the chip the code is executing in.
entity() entity Shared No description.


Event Return Availability Description
onDamage(entity, entity, number, vector) Void Serverside No description.
propBreak(entity, entity) Void Serverside No description.
onKill(entity, entity, entity) Void Serverside No description.



Example Return Availability Description
#table number Shared Returns the lengh/size of the table



Example Return Availability Description
table var = value Void Shared Creates/Assigns a value to a table variable.


Method Return Availability Description
table.insert() Void Shared Inserts _nst to the top of the tables array element.
table.insert(stream) Void Shared No description.
table.type() string Shared Returns the type of obect stored in table at index.
table.insert(exception) Void Shared No description.
table.insert() Void Shared Inserts _ex to the top of the tables array element.
table.insert(boolean) Void Shared No description.
table.insert() Void Shared Inserts b to the top of the tables array element.
table.insert(string) Void Shared No description.
table.insert() Void Shared Inserts s to the top of the tables array element.
table.remove() variant Shared Removes value at index of table, the removed object is returned as variant.
table.insert() Void Shared Inserts _ar to the top of the tables array element.
table.insert(vector2) Void Shared No description.
table.insert() Void Shared Inserts t to the top of the tables array element.
table.insert(entity) Void Shared No description.
table.insert() Void Shared Inserts e to the top of the tables array element.
table.insert(angle) Void Shared No description.
table.insert() Void Shared Inserts a to the top of the tables array element.
table.insert(netstream) Void Shared No description.
table.insert(hologram) Void Shared No description.
table.insert() Void Shared Inserts h to the top of the tables array element.
table.insert(player) Void Shared No description.
table.insert() Void Shared Inserts _ply to the top of the tables array element.
table.insert(delegate) Void Shared No description.
table.insert() Void Shared Inserts v to the top of the tables array element.
table.insert(color) Void Shared No description.
table.insert() Void Shared Inserts c to the top of the tables array element.
table.type() string Shared Returns the type of obect stored in table at index.
table.insert(coroutine) Void Shared No description.
table.shift() variant Shared Removes value at index of table, the removed object is returned as variant.
table.insert(number) Void Shared No description.
table.remove() variant Shared Removes value at index of table, the removed object is returned as variant.
table.insert() Void Shared No description.
table.exists() boolean Shared Returns true if obect stored in table at index is not void.
table.exists() boolean Shared Returns true if obect stored in table at index is not void.
table.count() number Shared Returns the lengh of the tables array element.
table.remove() variant Shared Removes value at index of table, the removed object is returned as variant.
table.insert(array) Void Shared No description.
table.exists() boolean Shared Returns true if obect stored in table at index is not void.
table.insert() Void Shared Inserts _cr to the top of the tables array element.
table.sort() table Shared Takes a table and sorts it, the returned table will be sorted by the provided delegate and all indexs will be numberic. The delegate will be called with 2 variants that are values on the table, return true if the first is bigger then the second this delegate must return a boolean.
table.insert(vector) Void Shared No description.
table.insert(table) Void Shared No description.
table.size() number Shared Returns the amount of entries in a table.
table.insert() Void Shared Inserts d to the top of the tables array element.
table.insert(variant) Void Shared No description.
table.insert() Void Shared Inserts _v2 to the top of the tables array element.
table.insert(quaternion) Void Shared No description.
table.insert() Void Shared Inserts n to the top of the tables array element.
table.type() string Shared Returns the type of obect stored in table at index.
table.insert() Void Shared Inserts _st to the top of the tables array element.
table.insert() Void Shared Inserts q to the top of the tables array element.


Function Return Availability Description
table() table Shared Creates a new table.
unpack(number) Void Shared No description.
table(...) table Shared No description.
concat(string) string Shared No description.
unpack() Void Shared Unpacks the array element of a table to a vararg.



Example Return Availability Description
-number number Shared Negates a number


Example Return Availability Description
number > number boolean Shared Returns true if number is greater than number
number <= number boolean Shared Returns true if number is less-than or equal to number
number >= number boolean Shared Returns true if number is greater-than or equal to number
number < number boolean Shared Returns true if number is less than number
number != number boolean Shared Returns true if number is not equal to number
number == number boolean Shared Returns true if number is equal to number


Example Return Availability Description
number / number number Shared Divides number by number
number - number number Shared Subtracts number from number
number * number number Shared Multiplys number with number
number % number number Shared Returns the remainder of number divided by number
number ^ number number Shared Returns number to the power of number
number + number number Shared Adds number to number


Example Return Availability Description
(number) number string Shared Casts a number to a number
(string) number string Shared Casts a number to a string
(boolean) number string Shared Casts a number to a boolean



Example Return Availability Description
--var number Shared Decrements variable by 1 then returns value of variable.
$value number Shared Returns the delta of change between a variables last and current value.
var++ number Shared Returns value of variable then increments variable by 1.
++var number Shared Increments variable by 1 then returns value of variable.
number var = value Void Shared Creates/Assigns a value to a number variable.
var-- number Shared Returns value of variable then decrements variable by 1.


Function Return Availability Description
tanr() number Shared Returns the tangent of (number).
cschr() number Shared Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of (number).
sech() number Shared Returns the hyperbolic secant of (number).
random() number Shared Returns a floating point between min and max)
sechr() number Shared Returns the secant of (number).
sinh() number Shared Returns the hyperbolic sine of (number).
random(number) number Shared No description.
atan() number Shared Returns the inverse tangent of (number).
max(number, number, number, number) number Shared No description.
atan(number) number Shared No description.
int() number Shared Returns (number) to the left of the decimal.
asin() number Shared Returns the inverse sine of (number).
atanr() number Shared returns the inverse tangent of (number).
acosr() number Shared Returns the inverse cosine of (number).
min(number, number, number, number) number Shared No description.
cotr() number Shared Returns the cotangent of (number).
cos() number Shared Returns the cosine of (number).
min(number, number, number, number) number Shared No description.
atanr(number) number Shared No description.
min(number, number, number, number) number Shared No description.
cot() number Shared returns the cotangent of (number)
ceil(number) Void Shared No description.
round(number) Void Shared No description.
coshr() number Shared Returns the hyperbolic cosine of (number).
max(number, number, number, number) number Shared No description.
round() number Shared Rounds the specified number.
root(number) number Shared No description.
frac() number Shared Returns (number) to the right of the decimal.
sign() number Shared Returns the sign of (number).
sin() number Shared Returns the sine of (number).
ceil() number Shared Rounds (number) to the nearest integer. (Upper)
min(number, number, number, number) number Shared No description.
clamp(number, number) number Shared No description.
sec() number Shared Returns the secant of (number).
random() number Shared Returns a floating point between 0 and (number max)
exp() number Shared Returns the constant e (2.71828) power of (number)
csch() number Shared Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of (number).
ln() number Shared Returns the logarithm of (number) to base e.
secr() number Shared Returns the hyperbolic secant of (number).
cosh() number Shared Returns the hyperbolic cosine of (number).
tanhr() number Shared Returns the tangent of (number).
max(number, number, number, number) number Shared No description.
toRad() number Shared Changes the degree to a radius.
max(number, number, number, number) number Shared No description.
floor() number Shared Rounds (number) to the nearest integer (lower)
inrange(number, number) number Shared No description.
cosr() number Shared Returns the cosine of (number).
mix(number, number) number Shared No description.
tan() number Shared Returns the tangent of (number).
sinhr() number Shared Returns the hyperbolic sine of (number).
coth() number Shared Retuurns the hyperbolic cotangent of (number).
cscr() number Shared Returns the cosecant of (number).
csc() number Shared Returns the cosecant of (number)
acos() number Shared Returns the inverse cosine of (number).
sinr() number Shared Returns the sine of (number).
log2() number Shared Returns the logarithm of (number) to base 2
tanh() number Shared Returns the hyperbolic tangent of (number).
toDeg() number Shared Changes the radius to a degree.
log(number) number Shared No description.
abs() number Shared returns the absolute value of the specified number.
log10() number Shared Returns the logarithm of (number) to base 10.
cbrt() number Shared Returns the cube root of the speciried number.
cothr() number Shared Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of (number).
sqrt() number Shared Returns the square root of the specified number.
asinr() number Shared Returns the inverse sin of (number).



Example Return Availability Description
(array) variant array Shared Casts a variant to a array
(vertex) variant vertex Clientside Casts a variant to a vertex
(variant) boolean variant Shared Casts a boolean to a variant
(variant) quaternion variant Shared Casts a quaternion to a variant
(variant) array variant Shared Casts a array to a variant
(entity) variant entity Shared Casts a variant to a entity
(variant) entity variant Shared Casts a entity to a variant
(variant) table variant Shared Casts a table to a variant
(string) variant string Shared Casts a variant to a string
(variant) string variant Shared Casts a string to a variant
(variant) netstream variant Shared Casts a netstream to a variant
(stream) variant stream Shared Casts a variant to a stream
(function) variant function Shared Casts a variant to a function
(variant) stream variant Shared Casts a stream to a variant
(exception) variant exception Shared Casts a variant to a exception
(angle) variant angle Shared Casts a variant to a angle
(boolean) variant boolean Shared Casts a variant to a boolean
(variant) player variant Shared Casts a player to a variant
(variant) variant variant Shared Casts a variant to a variant
(quaternion) variant quaternion Shared Casts a variant to a quaternion
(number) variant number Shared Casts a variant to a number
(variant) vector variant Shared Casts a vector to a variant
(generic) variant generic Shared Casts a variant to a generic
(variant) generic variant Shared Casts a generic to a variant
(variant) vertex variant Clientside Casts a vertex to a variant
(coroutine) variant coroutine Shared Casts a variant to a coroutine
(variant) coroutine variant Shared Casts a coroutine to a variant
(delegate) variant delegate Shared Casts a variant to a delegate
(variant) delegate variant Shared Casts a delegate to a variant
(wirelink) variant wirelink Serverside Casts a variant to a wirelink
(variant) function variant Shared Casts a function to a variant
(netstream) variant netstream Shared Casts a variant to a netstream
(hologram) variant hologram Shared Casts a variant to a hologram
(variant) hologram variant Shared Casts a hologram to a variant
(player) variant player Shared Casts a variant to a player
(vector) variant vector Shared Casts a variant to a vector
(variant) color variant Shared Casts a color to a variant
(variant) vector2 variant Shared Casts a vector2 to a variant
(vector2) variant vector2 Shared Casts a variant to a vector2
(variant) exception variant Shared Casts a exception to a variant
(variant) wirelink variant Serverside Casts a wirelink to a variant
(table) variant table Shared Casts a variant to a table
(variant) angle variant Shared Casts a angle to a variant
(variant) number variant Shared Casts a number to a variant
(color) variant color Shared Casts a variant to a color



Example Return Availability Description
variant var = value Void Shared Creates/Assigns a value to a variant variable.



Example Return Availability Description
entity != player boolean Shared Returns true if entity is not equal to player
entity == player boolean Shared Returns true if entity is equal to player
player != entity boolean Shared Returns true if player is not equal to entity
player != player boolean Shared Returns true if player is not equal to player
player == entity boolean Shared Returns true if player is equal to entity
player == player boolean Shared Returns true if player is equal to player


Example Return Availability Description
(entity) player entity Shared Casts a player to a entity
(player) entity player Shared Casts a entity to a player


Extends class entity


Function Return Availability Description
localPlayer() player Clientside Returns the clientside player.
players() table Shared Returns a table of players.
owner() player Shared Returns the owner of the gate.


Event Return Availability Description
playerEnterVehicle(player, entity, number) Void Shared No description.
playerChat(player, string, boolean) string Serverside No description.
playerJoin(player) Void Serverside No description.
playerQuit(player) Void Serverside No description.
playerNoClip(player, boolean) Void Shared No description.
playerExitVehicle(player, entity) Void Serverside No description.
playerSpawn(player) Void Serverside No description.
playerSpray(player) Void Serverside No description.



Function Return Availability Description
cpuUsage() number Serverside No description.
cpuStopWatch() number Serverside No description.
perf() boolean Serverside No description.
ops() number Serverside No description.
hardQuota() number Serverside No description.
maxquota() number Serverside No description.
opCounter() number Serverside No description.
minquota() number Serverside No description.
softQuota() number Serverside No description.
perf() boolean Serverside No description.



Function Return Availability Description
getSensorHead() vector Shared same as player:Head(), uses owner as player serverside and localplayer clientside.
getSensorCenterSpine() vector Shared same as player:CenterSpine(), uses owner as player serverside and localplayer clientside.
getSensorCenterHip() vector Shared same as player:CenterHip(), uses owner as player serverside and localplayer clientside.
getSensorCenterShoulder() vector Shared same as player:CenterShoulder(), uses owner as player serverside and localplayer clientside.
hasMotionSensor() boolean Shared Same as player:hasMotionSensor( ), uses owner as player serverside and localplayer clientside.
startMotionSensor() Void Shared Same as player:startMotionSensor( ), uses owner as player serverside and localplayer clientside.



Example Return Availability Description
#string number Shared Returns the lengh/size of the string


Example Return Availability Description
string == string boolean Shared Returns true if string is equal to string
string <= string boolean Shared Returns true if string is less-than or equal to string
string != string boolean Shared Returns true if string is not equal to string
string >= string boolean Shared Returns true if string is greater-than or equal to string
string < string boolean Shared Returns true if string is less than string
string > string boolean Shared Returns true if string is greater than string


Example Return Availability Description
string + string string Shared Adds string to string
number + string string Shared Adds string to number
string + number string Shared Adds number to string


Example Return Availability Description
(number) string number Shared Casts a string to a number



Example Return Availability Description
string var = value Void Shared Creates/Assigns a value to a string variable.


Method Return Availability Description
string.insert(number, number) string Shared No description.
string.replace(string) string Shared No description.
string.find() number Shared No description.
string.remove(number) string Shared No description.
string.explode(boolean) array Shared No description.
string.find(number) number Shared No description.
string.insert(number, number) string Shared No description.
string.matchFirst(number) string Shared No description.
string.remove(number) string Shared No description.
string.format(...) string Shared No description.
string.find(number, boolean) number Shared No description.
string.matchPattern() array Shared No description.
string.matchFirst() string Shared No description.
string.explode() array Shared No description.
string.matchPattern(number) array Shared No description.




Example Return Availability Description
(table) array table Shared Casts a array to a table


Example Return Availability Description
#array number Shared Returns the lengh/size of the array



Example Return Availability Description
array var = value Void Shared Creates/Assigns a value to a array variable.


Function Return Availability Description
streamArray() array Shared No description.
exceptionArray() array Shared No description.
stringArray() array Shared No description.
quaternionArray() array Shared No description.
booleanArray() array Shared No description.
coroutineArray() array Shared No description.
entityArray() array Shared No description.
delegateArray() array Shared No description.
tableArray() array Shared No description.
angleArray() array Shared No description.
numberArray() array Shared No description.
wirelinkArray() array Shared No description.
hologramArray() array Shared No description.
playerArray() array Shared No description.
vectorArray() array Shared No description.
vector2Array() array Shared No description.
variantArray() array Shared No description.
colorArray() array Shared No description.
arrayArray() array Shared No description.
vertexArray() array Shared No description.
netstreamArray() array Shared No description.



Function Return Availability Description
printColor(...) Void Shared No description.
print(...) Void Shared No description.



Example Return Availability Description
#stream number Shared Returns the lengh/size of the stream



Example Return Availability Description
stream var = value Void Shared Creates/Assigns a value to a stream variable.


Method Return Availability Description
stream.readPlayer() player Shared No description.
stream.writeEntity() Void Shared No description.
stream.writePlayer() Void Shared No description.
stream.writeNumber() Void Shared No description.
stream.readEntity() entity Shared No description.
stream.readColor() color Shared No description.
stream.readAngle() angle Shared No description.
stream.readString() string Shared No description.
stream.writeColor() Void Shared No description.
stream.writeAngle() Void Shared No description.
stream.writeVector() Void Shared No description.
stream.readNumber() number Shared No description.
stream.readVector() vector Shared No description.
stream.writeString() Void Shared No description.


Function Return Availability Description
stream() stream Shared Creates an empty stream object.
hookStream(delegate) Void Shared No description.