My name is Florent Morselli (flɔʁɑ̃ mɔʁseli). I am a French web developer and project manager passionate about PHP, ReactJS and Free, Libre & Open-Source Software. As far as possible, I contribute to projects or publish my own work.
The projects I am working on are mainly related to security over web applications. In particular, you will find useful libraries of Symfony bundles for
- One-Time Passwords (TOTP/HOTP) => see,
- Json Web Tokens (JWT, including signed and encrypted ones) => see,
- Web Push => see,
- Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) => see,
- Webauthn => see
Among all of these projects, let me encourage you to read more about Webauthn, a PHP implementation I am working on since end of 2018 and that will help you to get rid of passwords.
In addition, I had the opportunity to share my knowledge during the following events:
- September 2022: I presented the possibilities offered by this technology during the second edition of ApiPlatformCon in September 2022 in Lille, France.
- March 2023, I gave two 1-day workshops during the Symfony Live Paris 2023.
- December 2023, I gave a 1-day workshop during the Symfony Con Brussels 2023.
- March 2024, I presented my feedback on the Progressive Web Apps and gave a 1-day workshop during the Symfony Live 2024.
Feel free to ask me about all of these FLOSS projects or reach me on any other topics you may want to discuss.
Hereafter an overview of my involvement in the Open-Source ecosystem. If you wish, you can sponsor me. The GitHub Sponsors page or the Patreon page are made for that purpose. Any help is greatly appreciated and allows me to spend time on these projects.
- Spomky-Labs/pwa-bundle - PHP library for generating a full featured PWA manifest (today)
- web-auth/webauthn-framework - FIDO-U2F / FIDO2 / Webauthn Framework (6 days ago)
- Spomky-Labs/meteofony - [FAKE APP] Community-Driven Weather App (1 week ago)
- Spomky-Labs/phpwa-demo - Demonstration for the PHPWA Bundle (1 week ago)
- symfony/symfony-docs - The Symfony documentation (3 weeks ago)
- symfony/symfony - The Symfony PHP framework (3 weeks ago)
- web-token/jwt-framework - JWT Framework (1 month ago)
- dunglas/symfony-docker - A Docker-based installer and runtime for Symfony. Install: download and
docker compose up
. (2 months ago) - Spomky-Labs/pki-framework - Public Key Infrastructure (2 months ago)
- Spomky-Labs/cbor-php - CBOR Encoder/Decoder for PHP (5 months ago)
- Add support for iOS splash screen startup images on Spomky-Labs/pwa-bundle (today)
- Update command descriptions to mark deprecated commands on Spomky-Labs/pwa-bundle (today)
- Expand supported versions for several dependencies. on Spomky-Labs/pwa-bundle (today)
- Update dependency shipmonk/dead-code-detector to ^0.10.0 on Spomky-Labs/phpwa-demo (1 day ago)
- Support the absence of @symfony/ux-live-component on Spomky-Labs/pwa-bundle (1 day ago)
- Update dependency phpstan/phpstan-symfony to v2.0.3 on Spomky-Labs/phpwa-demo (3 days ago)
- Update dependency phpunit/phpunit to v12.0.9 on Spomky-Labs/phpwa-demo (4 days ago)
- Update dependency phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules to v2.0.4 on Spomky-Labs/phpwa-demo (4 days ago)
- Add Picture-in-Picture controller for PWA on Spomky-Labs/pwa-bundle (1 week ago)
- Update screen capture to support advanced media options on Spomky-Labs/pwa-bundle (1 week ago)
- web-token/jwt-framework (4.0.4, 1 week ago) - JWT Framework
- web-auth/webauthn-framework (5.1.3, 2 weeks ago) - FIDO-U2F / FIDO2 / Webauthn Framework
- symfony/security-http (v7.2.4, 3 weeks ago) - Symfony Security Component - HTTP Integration
- symfony/framework-bundle (v7.2.4, 3 weeks ago) - Provides a tight integration between Symfony components and the Symfony full-stack framework
- symfony/symfony (v7.2.4, 3 weeks ago) - The Symfony PHP framework
- symfony/http-foundation (v7.2.3, 1 month ago) - Defines an object-oriented layer for the HTTP specification
- symfony/security-bundle (v7.2.3, 1 month ago) - Provides a tight integration of the Security component into the Symfony full-stack framework
- lexik/LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle (v3.1.1, 2 months ago) - JWT authentication for your Symfony API
- Spomky-Labs/pki-framework (1.2.2, 2 months ago) - Public Key Infrastructure
- Spomky-Labs/pwa-bundle (1.2.5, 3 months ago) - PHP library for generating a full featured PWA manifest