Releases: SpongePowered/Sponge
Releases · SpongePowered/Sponge
What's Changed
- feat: improve compatibility with observable by @gabizou in #4166
- feat: improve compatibility with another mod by @gabizou in #4167
- feat: remove entity data sync overwrite
- fix: SpongeForge NPE when scanning non-plugin file
- feat: implement WolfVariants
- fix: API tab list desync on death
- feat: Adjust block update cancellation
- fix: Make LocaleCache thread safe
- fix: AbstractVillager#getValues
- feat: Flow creator & notifier across scheduled block updates
- feat: Push InteractBlockEvent.Primary to a cause frame
- feat: Create 'implicit context' when plugin pushes frames
- feat: Save custom data for ServerWorldProperties
- fix: Implement CollectionDataProvider
- fix: Implement value quality for Value
- feat: Implement LAST_DATE_JOINED
- fix: BlockTransaction#setCustom
- fix: Fixes to inventory transactions
- feat: Implement BlockTransaction#setCustom(BlockSnapshot, BlockChangeFlag)
- feat: Implement Tag#registry
- feat: Implement RegisterTagEvent
- feat: Fix deploy action not publishing SpongeCommon artifacts
Full Changelog: v12.0.0...v12.0.1
What's Changed
- Support for Minecraft 1.21.1
- Add Difficulties generator by @ImMorpheus in #4034
- Add ItemTiers generator by @ImMorpheus in #4037
- Add PandaGenes generator by @ImMorpheus in #4038
- Add SpellTypes generator by @ImMorpheus in #4041
- Add MooshroomTypes generator by @ImMorpheus in #4035
- Readd StatisticCategories generator by @ImMorpheus in #4036
- Add EquipmentGroups generator by @ImMorpheus in #4046
- Add ParrotTypes generator by @ImMorpheus in #4039
- Update blockstate property and blockstate propery keys generators by @ImMorpheus in #4033
- Sort generated fields by name and guard against invalid field names by @ImMorpheus in #4045
- Add SculkSensorStates generator by @ImMorpheus in #4047
- Add MusicDics generator by @ImMorpheus in #4044
- Add MapDecorationType generator by @ImMorpheus in #4043
- Add RabbitTypes generator by @ImMorpheus in #4040
- Add new EntityTypes mixins by @ImMorpheus in #4042
- Keep old name for musicdics registry by @ImMorpheus in #4048
- Add registrytest testplugin by @ImMorpheus in #4049
- Add DripstoneSegments generator by @ImMorpheus in #4053
- Add Tilts generator by @ImMorpheus in #4052
- Add TrialSpawnerStates generator by @ImMorpheus in #4051
- Add PushReactions generator by @ImMorpheus in #4050
- Update particles (api12) by @MrHell228 in #4032
- Some viewer-related fixes by @MrHell228 in #4030
- Add DisplaySlots generator by @ImMorpheus in #4055
- Use serialized name if available by @ImMorpheus in #4057
- Log a warning if enum validator is not using serialized name when possible by @ImMorpheus in #4058
- Log an error in registrytest if catalog class is not final by @ImMorpheus in #4059
- Log an error in registrytest if catalog class has non private constructors by @ImMorpheus in #4060
- Add EquipmentTypes generator by @ImMorpheus in #4056
- Fix RegisterRegistryEvent.GameScoped being fired too soon by @Yeregorix in #4062
- Remove hardcoded fields from VanillaRegistryLoader by @ImMorpheus in #4061
- Bump SpongeAPI by @ImMorpheus in #4063
- Add VehicleEntityMixin_API by @ImMorpheus in #4065
- Add missing GlowItemFrameMixin_API by @ImMorpheus in #4066
- Add missing GlowSquidMixin_API by @ImMorpheus in #4067
- Add missing GoatMixin_API by @ImMorpheus in #4070
- Add missing StriderMixin_API by @ImMorpheus in #4071
- Add missing AxolotlMixin_API by @ImMorpheus in #4068
- Rename RegistryTest to ValidationTest and add checkentities command by @ImMorpheus in #4072
- Fix: Resources incorrectly listed for plugin packs by @pandier in #4069
- Add missing AbstractPiglinMixin_API by @ImMorpheus in #4073
- Add missing api mixins and update keys references by @ImMorpheus in #4074
- Bump SpongeAPI for entity changes by @ImMorpheus in #4075
- Fix EnderDragon#bossBar() & Add ServerWorld#dragonFightBossBar() by @MrHell228 in #4077
- Bump SpongeAPI and update mixins by @ImMorpheus in #4081
- Bump SpongeAPI by @ImMorpheus in #4082
- Implement Attribute#removeModifier(ResourceKey) by @avaruus1 in #4076
- Add missing EnemyMixin_API by @ImMorpheus in #4083
- Add missing FlyingAnimalMixin_API by @ImMorpheus in #4084
- Remove manual update of bossbars locale by @MrHell228 in #4079
- Add missing ItemSupplierMixin_API by @ImMorpheus in #4085
- Bump SpongeAPI and update mixins by @ImMorpheus in #4086
- Update validationtest plugin by @ImMorpheus in #4087
- Fix Keys.ABSORPTION remove operation by @ImMorpheus in #4089
- Support Keys.LEASH_HOLDER for all Leashable entities and fix remove by @ImMorpheus in #4090
- Fix Keys.FROZEN_TIME remove operation by @ImMorpheus in #4094
- Fix Keys.PASSENGERS remove operation by @ImMorpheus in #4093
- Fix Keys.INVULNERABILITY_TICKS remove operation by @ImMorpheus in #4091
- Fix Keys.SCOREBOARD_TAGS remove operation by @ImMorpheus in #4098
- Fix Keys.VELOCITY remove operation by @ImMorpheus in #4097
- Fix Keys.TRANSIENT remove operation by @ImMorpheus in #4095
- Fix Keys.STUCK_ARROWS remove operation by @ImMorpheus in #4099
- Fix Keys.POTION_EFFECTS remove operation by @ImMorpheus in #4096
- Fix Keys.INVULNERABLE remove operation by @ImMorpheus in #4101
- Implement Keys.AUTO_SPIN_ATTACK_TICKS for Living and fix delete opration by @ImMorpheus in #4088
- Guard against null elements in cached valueconstructors by @ImMorpheus in #4102
- Update by @SawFowl in #4109
- fix: Update vanish support by @gabizou in #3987
- Update to MC 1.21.1 by @ImMorpheus in #4118
- Revert some unnecessary changes from merge commit by @MrHell228 in #4112
- Fix client crash with portals by @MrHell228 in #4110
- Support (mutable) MAX_STACK_SIZE for ItemStack by @avaruus1 in #4121
- Forge 1.21.1 by @Faithcaio in #4029
- fix: Issues related to fireworks and fused explosives by @pandier in #4117
- Update to ModLauncher 10 on SpongeVanilla by @Yeregorix in #4128
- Fix Keys.STORED_ENCHANTMENTS applying only to enchanted book by @MrHell228 in #4131
- Implement ItemStackLike by @MrHell228 in #4130
- Add BlockEntity tick methods by @MrHell228 in #4027
- Support plugin provided guice module by @aromaa in #4133
- NeoForge support by @Yeregorix in #4134
- Move deprecated ItemStackLike related methods to Common by @MrHell228 in #4136
- Allow usage of RawDataChannel during EngineConnectionState.Intent by @aromaa in #4135
- Use a supplier to avoid costly String#format in PhaseStack#push by @SamB440 in #4142
- feat: add armor trim key by @gabizou in #4143
- feat: add decorated pot data by @gabizou in #4144
- Implement event for scheduled block updates by @aromaa in #4146
- Update ServerLevelMixin::save to match the vanilla impl again by @nelind3 in #4148
- Replace RunAroundLikeCrazyGoalMixin::tick overwrite with injects by @nelind3 in #4151
- Some improvements for LibraryManager by @Yeregorix in #4152
- chore: remove ServerPlayerMixin.die overwrite by @gabizou in #4163
- feat: unify Player Item Toss Events by @gabizou in #4164
New Contributors
- @pa...
What's Changed
- Implement Inventory for API8 (part 3) Queries by @Faithcaio in #2395
- Replace remaining guava caches with Caffeine by @ItsDoot in #2437
- Redo #2434 (The Tradie mixins) by @i509VCB in #2446
- Small Fixes Part 1 - HumanEntity, SpongeUserInventory, SpongeTabList by @ItsDoot in #2438
- import Mutable; begone! by @i509VCB in #2456
- Match some more invalid mixins with their still existing targets. by @i509VCB in #2459
- Implement Raids/Waves and Raiders. by @i509VCB in #2441
- Add missing accessor entries to mixins.common.accessor.json by @i509VCB in #2463
- Implement/Register: MooshroomType by @Grinch in #2464
- Add Missing entries to mixins.common.api.json by @i509VCB in #2465
- Organize the smaller mixins files and add a few missing inventory entries. by @i509VCB in #2466
- Add missing entries into core mixins and organize them. by @i509VCB in #2467
- Implement all missing entities and remove overrides on default impl data values. [1.14] by @i509VCB in #2468
- fixing a lot of testplugin compile errors by @Faithcaio in #2480
- Clean up bits of ServerPlayerEntity and another one or two things. by @i509VCB in #2485
- Register and implement TropicalFishShape by @i509VCB in #2486
- PhaseTracker 1.14 Upgrade by @gabizou in #2476
- Mass BlockEntity fixup [1.14] by @i509VCB in #2495
- Casting a very big shadow (API Mixins) (1.14) by @i509VCB in #2496
- Start moving some simpler things to new tracker package [API-8]. by @i509VCB in #2499
- Begin cleanup of core plugin entity mixins by @i509VCB in #2503
- Implement Recipe API for API8 by @Faithcaio in #2481
- More core plugin updates by @i509VCB in #2514
- Implement API methods for Block/Fluid states and FluidType [API-8] by @i509VCB in #2522
- Reimplement virtual biome types. by @i509VCB in #2547
- Implement CatalogKey.Builder by @i509VCB in #2550
- Remove useless EnumType mixins by @TheGlitch76 in #2548
- Make timings mostly compile, update AccountDeletionResultType builder and hammer out other misc errors. by @i509VCB in #2549
- Update Chest API for new merging logic. by @TheGlitch76 in #2554
- Fix small compile errors in API mixins by @TheGlitch76 in #2558
- Api8 Keys by @Faithcaio in #2565
- API8 fixes by @Faithcaio in #2609
- API8 Fixing Data Impl by @Faithcaio in #2620
- API8 - DataStore by @Faithcaio in #3031
- implement World/ServerWorld by @Faithcaio in #2627
- Update readme for FG3 by @dualspiral in #3032
- PoC for service registration by @dualspiral in #2653
- Command implementation - part I by @dualspiral in #2430
- Add Plugins Screen to Vanilla Client by @Grinch in #3051
- Fix vanilla launch main classes by @jamierocks in #3055
- Implement Transform by @jamierocks in #3056
- Fix client assets in development environment by @jamierocks in #3057
- Remove legacy SpongeVanilla files by @jamierocks in #3058
- Add plugins to crash reports by @jamierocks in #3060
- Correct Vanilla plugin version by @jamierocks in #3061
- Implement new trade offer logic by @i509VCB in #3040
- Implement Attributes API (#3036) by @i509VCB in #3063
- Attempt to trim down the build workflow by @gabizou in #3064
- Replace UserDiscoverer with stripped back ServerUserProvider. by @dualspiral in #3067
- Create permission nodes for commands that do op checks. by @dualspiral in #3054
- Modify RegisterCommandEvent by @dualspiral in #3070
- Fix client completion when a parameter is not optional but reads nothing by @dualspiral in #3071
- Implement Adventure by @kashike in #3074
- Introduce common launch handler to Vanilla by @jamierocks in #3077
- Add more Sponge commands: by @dualspiral in #3078
- Use Guice 4.1.0 consistently by @jamierocks in #3080
- Share the PluginLoader instance by @jamierocks in #3062
- Add support for anchored flags. by @dualspiral in #3083
- Migrate Data Providers to a common registration by @Grinch in #3089
- Implement missing PandaData keys by @Grinch in #3091
- Implement ServerPlayerData#Keys.HAS_VIEWED_CREDITS by @Grinch in #3092
- Resolve issue with registration references by @Grinch in #3094
- Separate CommandCause and CommandContext by @dualspiral in #3093
- Implement the new network channels. by @Cybermaxke in #3065
- Reorganize config, make it work in mixin plugins by @zml2008 in #3090
- Add ability to programmatically create selectors by @dualspiral in #3101
- Enable Client Completions for non-Sponge/Brig commands. by @dualspiral in #3107
- Fix NPE when trying to sleep by @ImMorpheus in #3116
- Move GeneratorUtils to impl by @ImMorpheus in #3118
- Update pagination service from invalid by @RedNesto in #3044
- Remove redundant fromInstance calls by @ImMorpheus in #3122
- adventure: Attempt to detect style cycles in simple cases by @zml2008 in #3123
- Early configuration by @zml2008 in #3121
- Remove EnchantmentHelper leak patch by @ImMorpheus in #3127
- Drop file injection support by @ImMorpheus in #3125
- Move ban classes to the ban package by @ImMorpheus in #3124
- Remove unused config option for the old user storage service by @ImMorpheus in #3128
- Remove panda redstone by @ImMorpheus in #3129
- Change GameProfileManager method signature to return a map by @ImMorpheus in #3131
- Register sleep timer key by @ImMorpheus in #3132
- Add dependency json output to file for use with installer/launcher by @gabizou in #3140
- Add Entity Spawn Transactions by @gabizou in #3145
- Add Audiences#withPermission by @ImMorpheus in #3138
- Implement the DataVersion accessor by @me4502 in #3144
- Implement BlockType#getStateProperties and BlockType#getStatePropertyByName by @me4502 in #3143
- registry: Pass specific catalog type from event by @zml2008 in #3152
- Data Fixup/Cleanup - Part 1 by @Grinch in #3151
- Another Data Pass by @Grinch in #3154
- adventure: Update for api changes by @zml2008 in #3157
- production manifest generation by @zml2008 in #3156
- Add ability to get the executed Command.Parameterized from the CommandContext by @dualspiral in
Full Changelog: v7.4.6...v7.4.7
Full Changelog: v7.4.5...v7.4.6
Full Changelog: v7.4.4...v7.4.5
Full Changelog: v7.4.3...v7.4.4
Full Changelog: v7.4.2...v7.4.3