Group 6 - CPSC 410 project
- Don Lee (dlpowered89)
- Victoria Louie (vlouie)
- Sonika Prakash (sprakash0)
- George Zheng (gezed)
Target Code: Fish-Shell
Video: YouTube
- codeBase contains a copy of the Fish codebase for Pisces to work with
- Pisces contains all the files for our tool
- UbiGraph contains the UbiGraph tool for our visualization display
- Install autoconf and the g++ compiler
- Install curses:
- Debian or Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
- RedHat, CentOS, or Amazon EC2:
sudo yum install ncurses-devel
- Install g++ compiler
- Install Python
- Install clang
- Go into the Pisces directory
- Run make
- Run