The official npm package for DisStat - DisStat itself is open source btw!
You can find the public HTTP api docs on if you dont want to use an api wrapper.
npm i disstat
const DisStat = require("disstat")
* @param {string} apiKey - Your api key, found in your dashboard on
* @param {string|Discord.Client} bot - Your bot's user id OR a discord.js based bot client.
* If a client is provided, the package will automatically post server and user count to DisStat ("autoposting").
* Note that the client has to be ready, so if you're using a client there, put this into it's ready event.
const disstat = new DisStat("DS-apikey123", "685166801394335819")
const disstat = new DisStat("DS-apikey123", client)
* Gets data from your bot or someone else public bot.
* @param {string} botId? - The bot's id
* @returns {Promise<Object>} - The bot's data
const botData = await disstat.getBot()
* Posts your bots data to DisStat.
* Warning: You shouldn't use this when autoposting.
* @param {Object} data - The data to post:
* @param {number} data.servers - The amount of servers your bot is in, e.g. client.guilds.cache.size
* @param {number} data.users - The amount of users your bot can see, e.g. client.users.cache.size
* @param {number} data.shards - The amount of shards your bot is using, e.g. client.shard.count
const newBotData = await disstat.postData({ servers: 42, users: 100, shards: 1 })
* Posts a command to DisStat.
* You shouldn't post user generated commands like custom commands to protect user privacy.
* You also should exclude the prefix and command arguments from the command.
* @param {string} command - The command to post
* @param {string} userId? - The user's id
* @param {string} guildId? - The guild's id
* @param {Boolean} force? - Whether to force the command to be posted instantly IF autoposting is enabled,
* defaults to false, causing a delay from up to 90 seconds.
disstat.postCommand("help", "581146486646243339", "1081089799324180490")
* Posts data for a custom graph to DisStat.
* Note that using a not used type here creates the custom graph on DisStat if you have enough unused graph slots.
* @param {string} type - The type of event to post
* @param {string|Number} value1? - First custom value (e.g. an event name like "interactionCreate")
* @param {string|Number} value2? - Second custom value (e.g. a user ID)
* @param {string|Number} value3? - Third custom value (e.g. a guild ID)
disstat.postCustom("events", "interactionCreate")
if (message.content.includes("<@" + + ">")) {