- Based on the open project of nano_stepper by Misfittech click here
- CPU is Atmel ATSAMD21G18A-U, 48MHZ
- The magnetic encoder to Allegro's A1333LLETR-T Contactless 0° to 360° angle sensor IC ,12bit
- The Drive is Allegro's A4950LPT, support 3.5A current
- Support setting parameter by I2C interface oled0.96 and USB instruction
- Compatible with all 3D printing motherboards by use MKS SV_EXT V1.1
- Support build and upload firmware to board by Arduino paltform
- User Manual. click here
- Support Arduino build and upload. click here
- MKS Closed-loop Stepper Motor Installation Tutorial. click here
- How buy the MKS SERVO57A. click here
- Welcome to follow us on Facebook to learn about the company's latest developments. click here
The hardware is under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 License as much of the work is based on Mechaduino project by J. Church. https://github.com/jcchurch13/Mechaduino-Firmware.
The firmware is based on nano_stepper project by Misfittech:https://github.com/Misfittech/nano_stepper, which is licensed as GPL V3 for non-commercial use. If you want to release a closed source version of this product, please contact MisfitTech.net for licensing details.