This code will run on a Raspberry PI in a chicken barn. There are scales under the laying boxes that detect weight changes and computes the event (like chicken in, chicken-out-left-egg etc). These events will be sent by Messenger.
Epic v1: Chicken scale recognizes weight change and sends message about state (which chicken, an egg) via Messenger
- (1) correct shutdown of mqtt user
- (1) understand mqtt, qos, retain and create tasks to adopt (
- (1) endpoint to display messured weights
- (2) implement calibrate
- (2) remove setting of weight for box
- (2) write tests and mocks for mqtt client
- (3) BUG: wenn Ei gelegt und erkannt, tare-it oder wenn nicht, die letzten Hühner in Message packen
- (*) enable Master and Mock Arduino
- (2) send stati on dedicated topic with qos 1 (?)
- (2) bugfix stati not appear on topic
- (2) implement calibration
- (3) write header with message
- (3) mqtt server takes char array to print
- (3) set client-id, yes or no (?)
- (3) define message rentention and QOS
- (4) reconnect mqtt
- rollout of new sketch automatically over wifi or internet
- Integration test with whole process (testing)
- UI for all webservices
- persist chicken weight, box weight, uid-box-mapping to file
- integrate Prometheus
- event that second egg gets layed