Stigs_Flickr_Fixr Public
Flickr Fixr - It makes Flickr awesome (again) ! :-) A browser extension (webextension) for Firefox and Chrome/Chromium based browsers
lastfm-widgets Public
"Tracks" webcomponent showing scrobbles from a last.fm account - And maybe more to come?...
Stigs_Last.fm_Album_Linkr Public
Stig's Last.fm Album Linkr is a usercsript adding album links and headers to the tracks on Last.fm's recent plays listings - But also it linkifies About Me sections and has an option to add tapmusi…
xIFr Public
Exif viewer WebExtension for Firefox and compatible webbrowsers
Stigs_Art_Grabr Public
Stig's Art Grabr is a userscript for grabbing high resolution album cover-art from various sites - Can also be used as a bookmarklet/favelet.
Show a photo's Geo Location from Adobe Bridge CC - From right-click menu on a photo in Bridge, choose to see the geotagged position on Google Maps
GMCommonAPI.js Public
GM Common API is a simple library designed for easily adding Greasemonkey 4 compatibilty to existing browser userscripts
Stigs_Gmail_Ad_Handlr Public
Stig's Gmail Ad Handlr is an userscript hiding ad-rows on Gmail
Stig's Facebook Homefeed Cleanr is an userscript for cleaning up the homefeed on Facebook. Removes or highlights Suggested Posts and Sponsored content in the homefeed.