lgtv is a shell script utilizing websocat to communicate with the WebSocket of LGTVs.
- websocat
lgtv - command line webOS remote for LGTVs
Usage: lgtv [-c <config>] <cmd> [<args>]
Get a client key:
lgtv auth <ip>
Turn on TV:
lgtv wakeonlan
Simple request:
lgtv ssap://com.webos.service.update/getCurrentSWInformation
Request with payload:
lgtv ssap://tv/openChannel {\"channelNumber\":\"2\"}
Request an input socket and send an input event:
lgtv input "type:button\nname:INFO\n"
Pretty print JSON response:
lgtv audio getStatus | grep response | python -m json.tool
Input examples:
lgtv input button LEFT
lgtv input button RIGHT
lgtv input button DOWN
lgtv input button UP
lgtv input button HOME
lgtv input button BACK
lgtv input button ENTER
lgtv input button DASH
lgtv input button INFO
lgtv input button 0
lgtv input button 9
lgtv input button ASTERISK
lgtv input button CC
lgtv input button EXIT
lgtv input button MUTE
lgtv input button RED
lgtv input button GREEN
lgtv input button BLUE
lgtv input button VOLUMEUP
lgtv input button VOLUMEDOWN
lgtv input button CHANNELUP
lgtv input button CHANNELDOWN
lgtv input click
lgtv input move 10 10 0
lgtv input scroll 1 1
Request examples:
lgtv api getServiceList
lgtv audio volumeDown
lgtv audio volumeUp
lgtv audio getVolume
lgtv audio getStatus
lgtv audio setMute false
lgtv audio setVolume 100
lgtv com.webos.applicationManager getForegroundAppInfo
lgtv com.webos.applicationManager launch com.webos.app.livetv
lgtv com.webos.applicationManager listApps
lgtv com.webos.applicationManager listLaunchPoints
lgtv com.webos.service.ime deleteCharacters 5
lgtv com.webos.service.ime insertText abc 0
lgtv com.webos.service.ime sendEnterKey
lgtv com.webos.service.update getCurrentSWInformation
lgtv media.controls play
lgtv media.controls pause
lgtv media.controls stop
lgtv media.controls rewind
lgtv media.controls fastForward
lgtv system turnOff
lgtv system.launcher launch com.webos.app.livetv
lgtv system.launcher close com.webos.app.livetv
lgtv system.launcher open https://github.com
lgtv system.notifications createToast "Hello World"
lgtv tv channelDown
lgtv tv channelUp
lgtv tv getChannelList
lgtv tv getChannelProgramInfo
lgtv tv getCurrentChannel
lgtv tv getExternalInputList
lgtv tv openChannel 52
lgtv tv switchInput HDMI_2
Default configuration file path:
Example config:
Generate a config file with:
lgtv auth <ip>