An ultra-primitive one-file-per-run root-folder-only command line client for OneDrive, based on OneDrive SDK for Python
You'll need Python and OneDrive SDK for Python to run this one. It works with OneDrive Personal, and probably doesn't work with Business. Also, uploading files bigger than 100Mb isn't supported.
Sigh. Since this thing saves locally a "session pickle file", which contains some secure data related to account of application's owner, you should register your own application and not rely on someone else's. To do so, go to, login using your Microsoft account, and register a new application (perhaps you'll need to add a "native" platform to it). Then get its "Application ID", also called "Client ID". It's a string like "abcd1234-ab12-cd12-ef12-abcdef123456". Let it be "YOUR_CLIENT_ID".
Open "" in a text editor and, in the beginning, put this string into
client_id = 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID'
Save changes. Now run
python --auth
It shows some URL. Copy the URL from the console, follow in the browser, login (again) to your Microsoft account and allow the application to have an access to your OneDrive. You're then redirected to empty page... from address bar, copy the value of the "code" parameter, that is, another string. Insert it to the application's prompt, hit Enter. The authentication will happen, at last, and the session file, "session.pickle", should appear.
You have to perform this authentication jig only once. Obviously, without authentication the following commands will not work.
python --list
python -l
python --upload ./someDir/testfile.dat
python -u ./someDir/testfile.dat
If the file exists already, it will be re-uploaded.
python --download testfile.dat ./someDir
python -d testfile.dat ./someDir
If the file exists already, it will be re-downloaded.
python --remove testfile.dat
python -r testfile.dat
In fact, removed file goes to Recycle Bin. If the file doesn't exist, error will not be raised.
Access nested folders and multiple items, copying, moving, sharing, ... a lot.
The main purpose of this thing was to add a OneDrive support to Naamari project. The upload/download/remove functionality for root folder seems to be sufficient... at the moment.