3D-printed video control surface, and all credits go to Zack for inspiration and source files
Slapped together in a weekend by Zack Freedman of Voidstar Lab for a YouTube video! Check it out!
1x each of:
- Big Ass-Wheel.stl
- Main Frame.stl
- Top Frame.stl
- Bottom Plate.stl
- Wheel Insert.stl
Bunch of theese:
- 3x Encoder Knob.stl (if you want to use mine ones)
- 4x Encoder Nut.stl (if your encider module doesn't have one)
12x 8mm M3 screws
1x M3 nut
14x Cherry MX-compatible keyswitches
14x keycaps for keyswitches
14x rectifier diodes, such as the 1N4004
4x encoder modules
4-6x rubber/felt feet
1x Arduino Pro Micro clone like this one
Lots of wire and heatshrink (as usual)
- Watch video to see construction overview
- Fabricate 3D-printed parts
- Screw Top Frame to Main Frame using 6x 8mm M3 screws
- Snap keyswitches and encoders into your whole frame: keys snap in from top and good to go, encoder modules go from bottom and need to be secured with a nut from top (make sure that encoder pin got in its place).
- Using wiring diagram, build switch matrix. Take care to route wires away from surface that contacts Support Waffle.
- Connect switch matrix and encoders to Teensy. Take care to leave extra wire!
- Slide Teensy into its rails. It should fit snugly - if it's loose, add a bit of electrical tape to tighten things up.
- Connect to computer, load firmware, and test
- Using a soldering iron, apply heat-set inserts to the bosses on the Body.
- Mount Waffle and Baseplate combo to the Body using the screws.
- Apply rubber feet to Baseplate.
- Slip nut into slot on Big Ass-Wheel and insert screw through side of wheel.
- Mount Big Ass-Wheel on center encoder and tighten screw. It should turn smoothly but not wobble.
- Glue Wheel Insert onto Big Ass-Wheel.
- Mount remaining encoder knobs and keycaps.
- If desired, modify firmware to bind your preferred commands to the controls.
- Let Zack know you built the project!