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@SuperioOne SuperioOne released this 12 Oct 17:42
· 2 commits to master since this release


  • Bump apexcharts version from 3.50.0 to 3.53.0.
  • Bump htmx version from 2.0.1 to 2.0.3.
  • Bump server crate versions to latest.
  • Generalized HTTP error responses based on RFC9457/RFC7807.
  • JSON API returns HTTP 5xx error codes with problem details when daemon connection is lost.
  • Logger redacts upsd_pass config when server starts with LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG
  • Logging style is improved in general. No more {:?} dumps.
  • Remaining battery runtime shown in yMdhms date-time format instead of raw seconds.
  • UPS table elements are sorted by UPS name.
  • Voltage texts are vertically centered on the UI.
  • health probe returns HTTP 500 status code when daemon connection is lost.
  • health probe returns application/json response. Response contains basic info like last sync time, daemon status, and daemon host.


  • Display UPS manufacturer and model information on UPS page.
  • readiness probe for Kubernetes deployments.
  • upsd_client logs upsd protocol messages when LOG_LEVEL is set to TRACE.
  • OpenAPI specification is added to docs.


  • A single failing UPS driver distrupts other UPS devices' states.
  • Probe endpoints don't support CORS.
  • Server doesn't delete failing/disconnected UPS devices from both HTML and JSON responses.
  • Texts get overlap in table elements when screen size is too small.
  • UPS info page displays incorrect power unit for the apparent power values (ups.power).
  • On certain light themes, text colors blend with background and becomes unreadable.
  • upsd_client uses wrong error types when list commands fail.