Framework providing operating system abstractions and a range of shared networking (RDMA, TCP/IP) and memory services to common modern heterogeneous platforms.
Some of Coyote's features:
- Multiple isolated virtualized vFPGA regions
- Dynamic reconfiguration
- RTL and HLS user logic coding support
- Unified host and FPGA memory with striping across virtualized DRAM channels
- TCP/IP service
- RDMA service
- HBM support
- Runtime scheduler for different host user processes
Full Vivado/Vitis
suite is needed to build the hardware side of things. Hardware server will be enough for deployment only scenarios. Coyote runs with Vivado 2022.1
. Previous versions can be used at one's own peril.
Following AMD platforms are supported: vcu118
, Alveo u50
, Alveo u55c
, Alveo u200
, Alveo u250
and Alveo u280
. Coyote is currently being developed on the HACC cluster at ETH Zurich. For more information and possible external access check out the following link: https://systems.ethz.ch/research/data-processing-on-modern-hardware/hacc.html
is used for project creation. Additionally Jinja2
template engine for Python is used for some of the code generation. The API is writen in C++
, 17 should suffice (for now).
The following picture shows the high level overview of Coyote's hardware architecture.

Coyote contains the following software layers, each adding higher level of abstraction and parallelisation potential:
- cService - Coyote daemon, targets a single vFPGA. Library of loadable functions and scheduler for submitted user tasks.
- cProc - Coyote process, targets a single vFPGA. Multiple cProc objects can run within a single vFPGA.
- cThread - Coyote thread, running on top of cProc. Allows the exploration of task level parallelisation.
- cTask - Coyote task, arbitrary user variadic function with arbitrary parameters executed by cThreads.

$ git clone https://github.com/fpgasystems/Coyote.git
$ cd hw && mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. -DFDEV_NAME=u250 <params...>
Following configuration options are provided:
Name | Values | Desription |
FDEV_NAME | <u250, u280, u200, u50, u55c, vcu118> | Supported devices |
EN_HLS | <0,1> | HLS (High Level Synthesis) wrappers |
N_REGIONS | <1:16> | Number of independent regions (vFPGAs) |
EN_STRM | <0, 1> | Enable direct host-fpga streaming channels |
EN_DDR | <0, 1> | Enable local FPGA (DRAM) memory stack |
EN_HBM | <0, 1> | Enable local FPGA (HBM) memory stack |
EN_PR | <0, 1> | Enable partial reconfiguration of the regions |
N_CONFIG | <1:> | Number of different configurations for each PR region (can be expanded at any point) |
N_OUTSTANDING | <8:> | Supported number of outstanding rd/wr request packets |
N_DDR_CHAN | <0:4> | Number of memory channels in striping mode |
EN_BPSS | <0,1> | Bypass descriptors in user logic (transfer init without CPU involvement) |
EN_AVX | <0,1> | AVX support |
EN_TLBF | <0,1> | Fast TLB mapping via dedicated DMA channels |
EN_WB | <0,1> | Status writeback (polling on host memory) |
EN_RDMA_0 | <0,1> | RDMA network stack on QSFP-0 port |
EN_RDMA_1 | <0,1> | RDMA network stack on QSFP-1 port |
EN_TCP_0 | <0,1> | TCP/IP network stack on QSFP-0 port |
EN_TCP_1 | <0,1> | TCP/IP network stack on QSFP-1 port |
EN_RPC | <0,1> | Enables receive queues for RPC invocations over the network stack |
EXAMPLE | <0:> | Build one of the existing example designs |
PMTU_BYTES | <:4096:> | System wide packet size (bytes) |
COMP_CORES | <:4:> | Number of compilation cores |
PROBE_ID | <:1:> | Deployment ID |
EN_ACLK | <0,1:> | Separate shell clock (def: 250 MHz) |
EN_NCLK | <0,1:> | Separate network clock (def: 250 MHz) |
EN_UCLK | <0,1:> | Separate user logic clock (def: 300 MHz) |
ACLK_F | <250:> | Shell clock frequency |
NCLK_F | <250:> | Network clock frequency |
UCLK_F | <300:> | User logic clock frequency |
TLBS_S | <10:> | TLB (small) size (2 to the power of) |
TLBS_A | <4:> | TLB (small) associativity |
TLBL_S | <9:> | TLB (huge) (2 to the power of) |
TLBL_A | <2:> | TLB (huge) associativity |
TLBL_BITS | <21:> | TLB (huge) page order (2 MB def.) |
EN_NRU | <0:1> | NRU policy |
$ make shell
The project is created once the above command completes. Arbitrary user logic can then be inserted. If any of the existing examples are chosen, nothing needs to be done at this step.
User logic wrappers can be found under build project directory in the hdl/config_X where X represents the chosen PR configuration. Both HLS and HDL wrappers are placed in the same directories.
If multiple PR configurations are present it is advisable to put the most complex configuration in the initial one (config_0). Additional configurations can always be created with make dynamic
. Explicit floorplanning should be done manually after synthesis (providing default floorplanning generally makes little sense).
Project can always be managed from Vivado GUI, for those more experienced with FPGA design flows.
$ make compile
Once the compilation finishes the initial bitstream with the static region can be loaded to the FPGA via JTAG. All compiled bitstreams, including partial ones, can be found in the build directory under bitstreams.
$ make sim
The logic integration, stimulus generation and scoreboard checking should be adapted for each individual DUT.
$ cd driver && make
$ insmod fpga_drv.ko
Restart of the machine might be necessary after this step if the util/hot_reset.sh
script is not working (as is usually the case).
Available sw
projects (as well as any other) can be built with the following commands :
$ cd sw && mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ../ -DTARGET_DIR=<example_path>
$ make
author = {Dario Korolija and Timothy Roscoe and Gustavo Alonso},
title = {Do {OS} abstractions make sense on FPGAs?},
booktitle = {14th {USENIX} Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation ({OSDI} 20)},
year = {2020},
pages = {991--1010},
url = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/osdi20/presentation/roscoe},
publisher = {{USENIX} Association}
├── driver
│ └── eci
│ └── pci
├── hw
│ └── ext/network
│ └── ext/eci
│ └── hdl
│ └── ip
│ └── scripts
│ └── sim
├── sw
│ └── examples
│ └── include
│ └── src
├── util
├── img
If networking services are used, to generate the design you will need a valid UltraScale+ Integrated 100G Ethernet Subsystem license set up in Vivado