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Everything in this repo should be considered out of date.
Styles for rendered notes in the Joplin app.
Joplin's a great note-taking application that lets you store your notes where you want, fully encrypted. For me, it was the best alternative to Microsoft's OneNote when I switched to Linux on my laptop.
I don't really like the way it renders notes though, and I couldn't find any documentation on what CSS the note renderer supports, so here we are.
There's a thread on
the Joplin forums where people have shared their userstyle.css
The thread styles and a pile of other useful Joplin resources can be found on kot-behemoth's Awesome Joplin page.
- An ugly, sloppy example of all (well, most) of the Markdown that Joplin supports. Useful for demonstrating new
- A collection ofuserstyle.css
from the "Share your CSS" thread on the Joplin forums.template
- A blank CSS template with all (?) of the elements that appear in the Joplin Markdown renderer.userstyle-onenote
- Auserstyle.css
that mimics elements of OneNote's WYSIWYG renderer.
Want to add your lovely userstyle.css
here so people can find it easily?
Here's what I'd like:
- Your
. - A description of the style.
- A screen shot of the style in action. (Optional, for when I add screen shots demonstrating the styles to this page.)
If you want your userstyle.css
to be covered by a different license, that's
totally fine, include the relevant info inside a comment or provide a link in
a comment, and I'll point it out as an exception in the License
section here.
Also happy to accept pull requests that do the right thing (put your style in a descriptively named directory, add a description in the Contents section.)
These files are covered by a CC0 1.0 Universal license, so please do what you want with them.