Server-side inhomogeneous logging can be frustrating to parse and analyze.
Tylog provides a thin interface that abstracts over SLF4J's facade to provide compile time checks for your debug/info/error/warning messages and a typed measure API.
import org.slf4j.event.Level
import build.unstable.tylog._
// Mix `TypedLogging` trait with your classes
object Example extends App with TypedLogging {
// define TraceID and CallType
type TraceID = String
sealed trait CallType
case object A extends CallType
case object B extends CallType
val traceId = "1"
// this adds callType/variation/traceID to MDC
log.tylog(Level.TRACE, traceId, A, Variation.Attempt, "let's see..\n...")
// normal log statements between attempt and resolution will have MDC set
log.debug("a message with context")
// won't compile, ERROR is not a valid Level for tylog method
// log.tylog(Level.ERROR, traceId, A, Variation.Success, "yay!")
// logging Success/Failure will clear MDC
log.tylog(Level.INFO, traceId, A, Variation.Failure(new Exception("BOOM")), "yay!")
// placeholders and arguments are checked at compile time
log.debug("this compiles normally {}", "msg")
//"this does not compile because there is a missing arg {}")
// log.warning("this does not compile because there is a missing placeholder", "a")
If you would like to contribute to the project, please fork the project, include your changes and submit a pull request back to the main repository.
- Compile time checks for message templates defined in the project's compilation unit
MIT License