SOCEngine is a simple 3D rendering framework written in C++
Previous project :
- Windows 7 later
- DirectX 11
- Visual Studio 2015
- Visual Studio 2012
- Python 3
- FBX SDK 2014.2.1
- Tile Based Rendering!
- Deferred
- Forward+
- MSAA (Only 4x)
- Physically Based Rendering
- Voxel Cone Tracing
- Frustum Culling
- Post Processing
- Bloom / Eye Adaptation
- Depth Of Field
- Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
- Sun Shaft
- Motion blur
- Fbx-Conv model/material loading
- Shadow
- PCF (Point, Spot light)
- PCSS (Directional light)
- Skybox
- Atmospheric Scattering
- Preetham Model
- Normal Mapping
- hlsl parser and generate shader initialization code.
- Irradiance Volume
- SH probe
- Hierarchical Z Buffer Occlusion Culling
- Volumetric light scattering
- Screen Space Decal
- Screen Space Local Reflection
- Animation
- Forward kinematics
- Inverse kinematics
- Improve voxel cone tracing
- Casecade
- Other issues
MIT License