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Welcome to Tickets+

The Tickets Plus logo

CodeQL Pylint DeepSource

A Discord bot that adds extensions to the Tickets discord bot.1 Made by the Tickets+ team, a group of volunteers2 who want to add features to the Tickets bot. But didn't know how to code in rust.

With this bot, you can add staff notes, staff responses, and community support to your server. This bot acts as a supplementary, separate bot3 to the main Tickets bot.

Feature 1 - Staff Notes

Due to the implementation of staff notes in the main bot this is now legacy, but still available servers registered before the v0.2 update.

Private threads are (now) free!

This creates a private thread in a channel and adds the staff roles to it4. You can now disable pings, just use /settings staffpings to toggle. The 'open message' is adjustable via /settings openmsg. $channels is replaced with the channel mention.

Feature 2 - Staff Response

You can now respond as the staff team4 using /respond. The command is limited to users with roles added to staff4. The 'name' of the team4 is adjustable via /settings staffname.

Feature 3 - Community Support

Automatically adds roles5 to the channel created by Tickets bots6. Additionally, facilitates correct ping behavior with said community roles.

Minor Feature 1 - Message Discovery

The bot will display previews of discord message links. Requires message content intent.

Minor Feature 2 - Strip Buttons

Due to the main Tickets' bot not facilitating permissions check with the 'Close' and 'Close with Reason' buttons, this bot will strip the buttons, enabling the use of / command perms to limit access. Toggle with /setting stripbuttons.


You can add the public instance of the bot using the links here:

Here are the steps to host your copy of this bot.:

  1. Open the directory you want the project to be placed in.
  2. Use git clone or download and unpack the repo.
  3. Ensure that python3.12 is installed and available, same for pip.
  4. Run curl -sSL | python3 -. And follow instructions provided there.
    • Change some poetry settings as-needed. You can add the --local flag to set those settings only to the current directory
      • poetry config true installs the virtual environment in the project, not in a poetry-specific location (recommended).
  5. Run poetry install
    • Depending on the DB used, add -E pgsql or -E sqlite
    • If you want development packages, add --with dev
  6. Install PostgreSQL. Guide Here
    1. Set up automatic PostgreSQL startup on Linux and for windows just start it via services.msc
    2. Set up user and database for the bot. <FIELD> are required and to be replaced with your stuff. [FIELD] are optional and can be ignored.
      • Linux:
        1. sudo -u postgres -i
        2. createuser --pwprompt <dbuser> The prompt will ask you for a password for new user - <dbpass>.
        3. createdb -E UTF8 -O <dbuser> <dbname> [comment] <dbuser> being the same as in the previous step.
      • Windows:
        1. If the installed PostgreSQL bin isn't in PATH, use cd to go to the installation bin.
        2. createuser --pwprompt -U postgres <dbuser> The prompt will ask you for the password of the postgres user and the password for the new user - <dbpass>.
        3. createdb -E UTF8 -O <dbuser> -U postgres <dbname> [comment] <dbuser> being the same as in the previous step.
    3. Fill out config.json based on the database config environment. (refer to example_config.json)
      • Don't change “dbtype” unless you're using SQLite.
      • Unless you are using a remote server/changed config, don't touch “dbhost” and “dbport”.
      • Otherwise, all parameters are named here and in example_config.json the same
  7. Create the bot on Discord Developers.
    1. Create application however you want.
    2. Create a bot.
    3. Turn on the 'Message Content' and 'Server Members' privileged intents. Probably disable 'Public Bot'.
    4. Input your bot token to secret.json. (Refer to example_secret.json)
    5. Invite the bot to your server! Replace the <CLIENT_ID> in the below invites with numbers from<CLIENT_ID>/
      • The easy link -<CLIENT_ID>&permissions=8&scope=bot%20applications.commands
      • The safer link -<CLIENT_ID>&permissions=535059492048&scope=bot%20applications.commands
  8. Set up API (optional): This is an advanced step that will not be described in detail. (If certificate not set API skipped) If you want to use it here's some guidelines:
    1. Create an SSL certificate. Either self-signed or from a CA (like Let's Encrypt).
    2. Enter the path to the certificate in config.json under "ssl_cert", an in secret.json under "ssl_key" the path to the key.
    3. Create a safe token for the API and enter it in secret.json under "auth_token".
    4. And you're done with the basic setup. You can now use the API. If you want to use more bells and whistles, do it yourself.
    5. Connect the API to the main bot. Go to the<YOUR_SERVER_ID>/integrations/create and create a new integration. Follow instructions there.
      • Use 'POST' requests.
      • The header for the token is ticketsplus-api-auth, the value is the token you set in secret.json.
      • Do not set any placeholders.
      • The URL is the URL of the domain/IP you are hosting the API on, with the port if you are using one.
      • The protocol must be HTTPS.
      • The path is just /.
  9. Copy your main guild ID and paste it into config.json under "dev_guild_id". This will enable the dev commands in your server. (Required)
  10. Start your bot! Use poetry run start or after activating venv (if present) python3 /tickets_plus/
  • Probably add a background service that will restart the bot on boot. I use systemd for my bots.
  1. Finally send <bot ping> sync in the bot's DMs to sync / commands.


  1. This bot is not affiliated with the Tickets Bot team. When a feature is added to the main bot, any feature that is no longer needed will be discontinued here.

  2. Tech-TTGames, I'm the only one here right now. I had some help in general, but I'm the only one who has done any coding. More people are welcome to join. I had help with organization and checking my code from kk5dire and Ben Foster with hosting and some documentation changes.

  3. This setup assumes you have the main bot added to the server and configured. Support will not be provided to those who do not assume a likewise configuration.

  4. Staff role defined in per-server settings. 2 3 4

  5. Community roles defined in per-server settings.

  6. Tickets bot defined in per-server settings.


A Discord bot to make supply extensions for the discord bot. Experimental.




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