Alternative User Interface For Tasmota Lighting Uses electron
Just something quick i whipped up so i can control my led strip and test out electronjs
###How to compile:
Utility used to build the client:
Sample command to compule yourself electron-packager TTI BuildDirectory --platform=win32 --arch=x64
make sure you have node and npm installed on your system
Install required packages:
npm install
Run the client: (ass assuming you are in the programs directory)
node .
to change the default light ip change the variable in /window/js/light.js
light.ip = "";
you can also configure the amount of leds you have if you are using an lde strip in the same file
light.count = 255;
alot of the code here is kina old and rushed, cos this project was just me learning some of the basic componets of electronjs It is very unlikely that i will update this as i no longer have lights that use the Tasmota firmware and so i no longer have an yuse for this client but maybe someone else can take use of this handy just if you want a quick little widget that you can use to tollge your lights and change the colors
If you do have any isues with getting this firmware working i guess you can DM me on discord at: Tehbb#5193