WARNING Breaking Changes !!
- to continue to use PGRouting features, please add geostore.routing to INSTALLED_APPS
- Some changes in routing API response. Now final geometry and full feature segment list are provided by API
- Configurable tolerance for routing topologies (Default value from 0.0001 to 0.00001)
- HOSTNAME setting is deprecated. Default request HOST is now used to generate absolute full urls for vector tiles.
You can set TERRA_TILES_HOSTNAMES = [HOSTNAME, ] to avoid this
Improvements :
- Officially support django 3.1
- Set HOSTNAME or TERRA_TILES_HOSTNAMES is not required anymore. Now full absolute urls are prefixed with current host request
- Installing PGRouting is not required anymore.
- source / target routing attributes :
- add indexes
- Hide by default (editable=False)
- Using JSONField from django.db.models
- Updating DjangoModelFactory location