This collection of scripts, are the ones I use to dumb down the NavContainerHelper scripts.
You MUST get Freddys NAVContainerHelper first, as these scripts are dependant on those (
No - These scripts are just some I hacked together, mostly due to frustration, so I could create new Docker containers myself for a project I was doing. Some inspiration was found in Waldo's scripts ( He, unlike me, IS brilliant.
I am running on a Microsoft Surface Book 2, Windows 10 PRO, and enabled Docker CE. I do not run a bunch of containers, so it worked for me.
I have a Projects folder on my C:\ drive - And in there I have a folder for each container I use. I then copy the NavContainerHelperHelper files into the specific folder, and update _Settings.ps1 file Other people do it differently
- Erik Hougaard posted this:
- Arent Jan Kauffman has a step-by-step to set it up on a Hyper-V Virtual Machine