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rposborne edited this page Apr 4, 2012 · 3 revisions

A simple Staff List with CSS Classes for Bootstrap Thumbnails

Requirements TimThumb

Getting Started This should be a near drop perfect drop in if you already have the API up and running

  1. Update Require path to fit your needs
  2. Insert Your Mindbody API Credentials
  3. Update the See Schedule Link with the correct Studio ID. TODO Make this pull from the request

Tricks You can hide a Staff Member by Prepending the word HIDE in all caps as the first word of their bio! **TODO Make this seamless? Filter? **


$service = new Staff_Service();

$parameters = new GetStaff();
$parameters->Request = new GetStaffRequest();

$parameters->Request->SourceCredentials = new SourceCredentials();
$parameters->Request->SourceCredentials->SourceName = "IAMAYOGASTUDIO";
$parameters->Request->SourceCredentials->Password = "IAMAPASSWORD";
$parameters->Request->SourceCredentials->SiteIDs = array(
    IAMASTUDIOID // Your Site ID(s)

$staff = $service->GetStaff($parameters);

$staff = $staff->GetStaffResult;
$staff = $staff->StaffMembers;
$staff = $staff->Staff;
echo '<ul class="thumbnails">';
foreach ($staff as $employee) {
  $bio = explode(" ", $employee->Bio);
  if (!empty($employee->Bio) && !empty($employee->ImageURL) && ($bio[0] != "HIDE")){
  	echo '<li class="span3"><div class="thumbnail white" >';
  	echo "<img src=\"timthumb.php?src=$employee->ImageURL&h=220&a=t&w=260\" alt=\"\">";
  	echo "<div class=\"caption\">";
  	echo "<h3>$employee->Name<a href='#' class='pull-right'><i class='icon-plus'></i></a></h3>";
  	echo "<div class='desc hide'>";
  	echo "<p>$employee->Bio</p>";
 	echo "<p><a href=\"****IAMASTUDIOID***&stype=-7&sView=week&sTrn=$employee->ID\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">See Schedule</a></p>";
  	echo "</div></div></div>";
 	echo "</li>";

echo '</ul>';```
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