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v0.5.1 - inflate all and breaking changes

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@statnmap statnmap released this 30 Jun 08:54
· 163 commits to main since this release

fusen 0.5.1

New features

Inflate all active flat file

  • inflate_all() uses the configuration file to inflate all your flat files at once. document and check options are thus only run once for all flat files. (#204, @ymansiaux)
  • This requires to run inflate() at least once for each flat file.
  • This also requires to register all other files, that were present in the package before this version of 'fusen' with register_all_to_config()

List all files created with an inflate() in a config file with parameters

  • inflate() creates a configuration file "dev/config_fusen.yaml" to register all files created while inflating the corresponding flat file, along with inflate parameters (#198, @ymansiaux)

Breaking changes

  • Arguments rmd and name in function inflate() now lead to errors (Deprecated since v0.3.0).
  • add_dev_history() was deprecated since v0.3.0 in favor of add_flat_template(). Now add_dev_history() only adds a "dev_history.Rmd" file in the "dev/" directory.
  • add_flat_template(template = "minimal") no longer exists to avoid confusion between minimal package or minimal flat file. Indeed, now there are add_flat_template(template = "minimal_package") (also add_minimal_package()) or add_flat_template(template = "minimal_flat") (also add_minimal_flat()). The latter doing exactly the same as add_additional() (#187)
  • create_fusen() still uses minimal as minimal_package

Bug fixes

  • Fix using line break after function name in flat files (#142, @FlorenceMounier)
  • If project directory is renamed by "my.package (Copy)", inflate() still works, even if this name is not a proper package name. What is important is that DESCRIPTION Package name is correct.

Major changes

  • create_fusen() and the RStudio gui interface now accept flat_file parameter to name the first flat file as well as the first function (when using 'minimal' template).
  • The tips and tricks vignette shortly presents how to combine {fusen} and {golem} (#187)
  • Incorrect function names issued from addins or add_flat_template() are cleaned before being included in the flat file to follow underscore rule.

Minor changes

  • Update CONTRIBUTING to speak about flat file in {fusen} itself
  • replace the maintainer's name from fill_description() in examples, templates and tests (#155, @FlorenceMounier)
  • create_fusen() vaccinates created git project (#171)
  • Examples under function roxygen documentation are cleaned from extra spaces after empty #' to avoid git diff against code linters / stylers.