v 0.4.0
What's Changed
- chore: merging changes from CRAN upload by @ColinFay in #928
- feat: removed {usethis} hard dep by @ColinFay in #929
- fix: unit test requires dependencies in suggests by @statnmap in #919
- refactor: check_installed in their own files by @ColinFay in #931
- feat: Make cat functions conditional to an options by @ColinFay in #934
- doc: improve documentation of dockerfile related functions by @ALanguillaume in #939
- feat: fill_desc allows to set package version by @ArthurData in #941
- feat: remove {desc} as hard dep by @ArthurData in #940
- 820 add maintenance mode by @ArthurData in #943
- Fix 944 by @VincentGuyader in #946
- Fix 944 and correct CI by @VincentGuyader in #947
- fix dev branch by @VincentGuyader in #948
- chore hotfix pkgdown by @VincentGuyader in #949
- draft : 950 without cli by @VincentGuyader in #951
- update maintenance mode by @VincentGuyader in #952
- feat: remove rstudioapi hard dep by @VincentGuyader in #955
- fix #956 improve get_golem_options doc by @VincentGuyader in #957
- fix 958 save all before run_dev.R by @VincentGuyader in #959
- feat: on create golem, message if dev deps are not installed by @ColinFay in #966
- Add a demo shinyapps.io snippet for the 03_deploy file by @ColinFay in #967
- hotfix: check that all boostrap fns are there by @ColinFay in #968
- Update add_dockerfiles_renv.R by @VincentGuyader in #976
- fix: allow to build readme in 01_start by @statnmap in #979
- draft : Temp by @VincentGuyader in #977
- fix : URLs are now OK # 980 by @VincentGuyader in #981
- Fix #993 by @ilyaZar in #994
- Release candidate for 0.4.0 by @ColinFay in #961
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.3.5...v0.4.0