Compilation of all the Java Algorithms, Datastrutures, Dynamic Programming, and Graph Theory templates that I currently know of
Under the Java_Templates_Algorithms, you will find my Java template Algorithms to various types of questions (e.g. 0-1 Knapsack, which uses dp). The Algorithms are organized under the type of algorithm they use (Dp, Graph, etc...)
Algorithm sets are organized into different folders
- Array Rotation
- Backtracking
- Binary Search
- Closest Two Points
- Count Inversions
- Cycle Detection (Brent and Floyd)
- Majority
- Meet In The Middle
- Permutation Index
- Sort
- Ternary Search
- Two Sat & an example
- Arne Andersson Tree
- Adelson-Velskii and Landis Tree
- BTree
- Binary Heap (EXTENDED)
- Binary Indexed Tree (2D)
- Deque
- Difference Array (2D)
- HashMap
- Implicit Segment Tree
- Implicit Treap
- Interval Tree
- KdTree
- Link Cut Tree
- Merge Tree
- MinQueue
- Peristent Binary Search Tree
- Persistent Linked List
- Persistent Segment Tree
- Prefix Sum (2D)
- Quad Tree
- Randomized Queue
- Range Tree
- Red Black Tree
- Segment Tree (recursive and non-recursive)
- Size Balanced Tree
- Skip List
- Sparse Table
- Splay Tree (complex and simple)
- Treap (complex and simple)
- Union Find
Dynamic Programming
- Binomial Coefficients
- Catalan Numbers
- Coin Chang
- Divide and Conquer
- Domino Fill
- Edit Distance
- Egg Dropping
- Hamming Sequence
- 0-1 Knapsack
- LCS (subsequence and substring)
- Maximal Zero Submatrix
- Maximum Subarray
- Minimum Cost Triangulation
- Minimum Matrix Chin Multiplication
- Shortest Hamiliton Cycle & Path
Graph Theory
- Bron Kerbsch
- Centers
- DFS Biconnected Components
- DFS Bipartite
- DFS Cycle Detection
- DFS Eulerian
- DFS Topological Sorting
- LCA Euler
- Rooted Treelsome Morphism
- Strongly Connected Components Ksaruju
- Strongly Connected Components Tarjan
- Topological Sorting (Simple edition)